All Or Nothing by Westlife
I know when he's been on your mind
That distant look is in your eyes
I thought with time you'd realize it's over, over
It's not the way I choose to live
But something somewhere's gotta give
As sharing in this relationship gets older, older
You know I'd fight for you but
how could I fight for someone who isn't even there
I've had the rest of you now I want the best of you
I don't care if that's not fair
Cuz I want it all
Or nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Is it all
Or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all
There are times it seems to me
I'm sharing you with
I feel it in my heart but I don't show it, show it
Then there's times you look at me
As though I'm all that you can see
Those times I don't believe it's right
I know it, know it
Don't make me promises baby
you never did know how to keep them well
I had the rest of you now I want the best of you
it's time to show and tell
Cuz I want it all
Or Nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall It's now or never
Is it all
Or nothing at all
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Is it all
Or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all
Bolding and Italising is fun. :D I'm off now. Tata bitches dear readers.
And since i'm off to Korea, i'll be back, as the old Jamie. Who doesn't get upset over stupid shit. She'll be laughing. She won't be sighing or crying or feeling sad.
It's through. 8 more days to a happier me! CHEERS!
I can't believe you just gave it up like that.
12:59 PM;
Went out for breakfast with huiping just now.Ohman, we got so bloated at macs. Felt like vomitting as we strolled around amk central. And ugh! A bad start to the morning.
I stepped in the muddy pit! Ew! Quite gross
Went to the arcade then. Para para sucks lar. Waste my money. And the DDR there sucks too. It's like, i was stepping on the arrows yet the screen didn't light up!?
Screwed machines.Went luggage hunting after that. Bought my lotion for the korea trip and went back home.
Enjoy your trip to YUNNAN, Huiping! :DSo i'm back home. Blogging probably for the last time til i come back. It's weird because i'm so psyched about the trip now.
Sharing a room with a friend, snow, 2 theme parks!, weird roads, BIG BIG BIG shopping centres, skiiing, hot springs, .... OMG! I am so so so so so psyched!
Zhaozhi! I'm gonna write to you everyday! Then when i'm back in Singapore, i'll post it to you. :D
I think she'll be really really happy. :)
anyway! So, i'm gonna like, go watch the last episode of Fullhouse, laugh my ass off over Rain's lame methods of pursual and do my final packing. Then i'll do abit of homework.
Then i'm off to the airport at 8! I hate midnight flights. Argh. I am so so so running for the window seat since i'm gonna sleep there. mwahahaa.
Shopping shopping shopping! :D
WHEE! KOREA! YAY!!!!! lawlz.
12:27 PM;
My blog's gonna rot soon.I'm flying off on tuesday night.
Suffered from some serious sunburn on my shoulders from tanning on thursday. Graci and Vanny couldn't make it in the end. :/ So it's just dani and I.
It was still fun. We took hell load of photos. I bet she's suffering from burns now too. My skin itches! Must go slab lotion on the burns. Gah.
I'm really really dark now. And, it's weird. :/
Friday was terrible. I felt really sick and restless. Ugh. Spent the whole of saturday watching Fullhouse. It rocks i tell you. :D
Went out to orchard just now. Got my early xmas gifts from mum. Ugh. Cheater.
Bought loads. :D Feeling pretty much happy about it. heheheeh.
I don't feel pretty much anything. At least i dont have to be upset oover you ever again. Good for us i guess. Hey, i made a record. :D mhwahahaha. I'm not gonna cry. I don't want bigger eyebags. I'm not gonna regret. Never.
9:15 PM;
StepUp, a must-watch movie!OHMYGAWD! Their dance moves are so frigging chio! I would luuurrrrvveee to watch it again! heh. It's really nice! Hilarious in a way too. :D Thumbs up!
Caught the 11.35am show with Huiping today. :D
We went to the arcade right after that. haha! DDRed awhile, making a complete fool outta ourselves. HAHA!
We wanted to play the drums, and zz! The lady didn't ask for my ezlink card! And i even offered to la. -.-
then she was saying that i had to return her then laugh. so malu. BLAAHHH.
Huiping and I alafed in front of the drums while waiting for these two girls to finish playing? Gah! It's so obvious we were waiting la, yet they hogged the machine for damn long.
We got really fed up so we decided to play the $2 one. T.T
Because i was realy pissed off, i just went there and grabbed one of the chairs and walked over to where huiping was, giving them that you-stupid-bitch look.
lawlz. but we were really pissed lar.
We walked around PS before heading off to Cinelevel9 to check out this jap shop with huiping's idol in it.
Oh man, she went wild inside. haha!
I spotted a few heeehhsss too. :D
Love his hair!

*swooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn* cute right! :DDDD
HEH! Lvl9 was more of a gaming place. It looked really rad okay.

HAHA! That place frigging rocks. :D
Finally bought my kerastase shampoo at DGxchange.
Accompanied huiping for awhile during her job. haha! My feet aches from walking. Gee. I'm gonna go watch goong now. OHMYGAWD.
Think i'm gonna go buy sbooks tmr. rahhh. tata everyone! :D
lol. i missed you so so so much.
6:35 PM;
BLAH. I'm peeved. I'm not jealous okaayyy. bleeeh.
Oi ben! i'm psychoing you lar. i don't bloody care. RAHHHHHHHH.
!!!! pffst.
9:20 PM;
Blasted spring.FWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. My mouth aches like hell. Actually, it's better than yesterday. LOL! I think it's disgusting. T.T
I think i'm going book shopping today. haha! Going Taka later most probably.
I'm bored i'm bored i'm bored. siaaaan. :/
The past months i've let you down. I'll make it up to you, i swear. &Now, i've learnt to cherish you even more. Oh yes, i've learnt this the hard way. Stupid piak, sick of him, he's sick of me. he can die for all i can. Yeah, the lust game's over dude. You're history. Wah, why am i so boliaooo?
12:19 PM;
Bleedy spring.Had dental appointment today in the morning. Oh how i regret going. I was supposed to wear rubber bands daily for the last few months.
But due to my laziness and forgetfulness, i do'nt usually wear them, cos when i talk or open my mouth you can see them and its ewww.
So the dentist kinda chidded me last mth. Second half o f the month i COMPLETELY forgot to wear them. Oh god.
The worse has arrived. He placed a spring in my mouth. 0.0
OMFG LA! In a good way, you can't see it unless you look closely but in bad ways, you can't take it out. It's gonna be there for one whole month. I have to wear it through the class chalet also luh! wahhlaooo.
And it's acutely uncomfortable. I can't chew properly. I can't laugh properly. I can't talk much now. WTF!
And i'll eat less. No hard stuff lar. V hard to bite, cos there's pain.
Better follow all dental instructions properly from now on. Blah. HOPE HOPE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE OFF NEXT MONTH! CLOSE UP STUPID TEETH! gah.
Bought loads of chinese assessments today. HAHA!
And i added the comment thing at every post! :D
1:23 PM;
The combination results are out.Oh god. I can't believe i got
3a3(Lit). And so little ppl takes that and i even wonder how to hell i got in! I am soooo appealing to
3a1(Geog). At least i'm in double science. Mummy went to school to help me hand it in this afternoon.
The chances are low but, i put my best in the appeal form. Crammed for reasons and wrote out drafts last night. hahha! Now i can only hope for the best.
Gee. I was psyched about the classes we get into but, darn! 29 December's a long wait.
Went swimming in the morning while sis had swimming lessons. Lying on the chair (tanning!)was nice, well i slept alittle cos i was damn tired. It was 9 in the morning for god's sake! I swore i got a little darker. Heh. I got to enjoy the pool all to myself. HEH!
Went to Compass in the afternoon with mummy ytd. Walked around alittle, bought alittle then settled at sakae to wait for Kim and her mum.
Ohmygawddddddd. I pigged out. The ramen there doesn't taste good to me and i wonder why the noodles are so thick. haha!
Went crazy over salmon. mwhahahaha.
Nothing much happened.
I finished 4/5 of Night Swimmer by Robin Schwars last night. OHMYGOD! It's a really nice book. I've decided to like, erm, read. Well, in the past i've always been a fast reader and i do'nt really like, READ.
So, yeah i'm gonna stop fast reading.
Night Swimmer's a book that is worth reading word by word. Go borrow it from the lib and check it under SCH. :D
I want to buy it! ALthough i've already read it.
Extracts which i find really really really cool! :
Sadness is a gift. It's okay. You have to have sadness to
truly know happiness. Then, when you get it, it's all that much sweeter, like
honey from rocks. (which is well impossible to have honey flowing out from
rocks. if you get what it means. as in, the whole thing. :/)
"You have to love your partner, not for what you can get from
them, but what you have by being together. Someone you can cry and laugh
with, someone who accepts your foibles and loves you in spite of them, someone
you can show your soft underbelly to, and they don't perceive it as a
I think it's really cool. Oh well, worth reading again and again! I want to buy PS: I love you too! It's been reccomanded by ZZ, Dan, Jasleow(omg!?) and many many others. Wow, even jas recommands that lar. So, stop be a must read. :DAnyway, Jasyeo,zz & I went out this morning. We planned to go skating but stupid skateline not open. -.-
Will upload the breakfast's pictures when zz sends. haha.
so, we headed to PS. I bought my slippers. Oh yay. :D
Didn't shop much. Think will go DGxchange on tues with ping to get earrings! I need new ones. and there's plently of pretty ones there! wanna go buy. :D

On the way there Jas and I were wanting to pee badly luh. HAHA! I didn't take with ZZ. boo. :/
We pigged at Pastamania's. Zhaozhi bought POTATO SALAD. ahhaha! Looks really erm, displeasing to the eye. But, it tasted alright.
LOL! ALAF! Zhaozhi's attempt to feed me. Oh! And that's me opening my mouth really wide? LAWLZ! We were laughing so darn hard! i look retarded! gee.
Then after eveything i had this stupid idea. I added cheese, pepper, chilli flakes , salt, more cheese, and TABASCO SAUCE on zhaozhi's spoon. And i suggested playing a game whereas the loser has to eat what's on the spoon.
Scissors, paper, stone. 5 rounds. Zhaozhi vs Jamie. Jas backed out. Pffst.

Yeah, my product. Guess who ate it. Oh god. Jas! Don't upload the video lar! I hate my nose. lawlz.
It's disgusting really.
Then we spent more than one hour in the arcade. haha! DDRing, Drumming, Guitaring, Daytona-ing. lol.
I'm not gonna upload the DDR one lar! I look like a idiot.

HAHA! I look stupid drumming. I sucked btw. Booooooo.

Doesn't look like zhaozhi cos she went like, I DON'T KNOW!! hahaha! These drums are easier though. wheee.

HAHA! I look dumb. Jas looks bored. I'm not playing that actually just pretending so Jas wouldn't play alone.
Aint i nice! mwahha!
Then i won them in daytona LEEEEHHH. I won 2 bucks too. WOOHOO! XD
Ultimate victory. If that's what you call it. heh.
Had fun toDAYYYYY. :D
I'm sorry. I just need time to think. This would probably benefit you too since you're like busy and talking to me might be like, a burden. Gee.
3:50 PM;
Allowed JasLeow to make ME the fool today.Yahhh she should pretty much THANK ME. Always using me as the dummy. He probably has a baddddd impression on me now. T.T
thanks alot then. BLAH. Thank me Jas.
Woke up today with dad banging on the door, saying that we wouldbe heading to Jasmine's house at 12. Then i was like 0.o and the time was like 10.45am.
Reached there pratically half awake
Sat on her bed shivering under the air conditioner and talked talked talked. Kinda lame. Then blahblahblah. Got really bored then she came over to my house at 3.45pm.
By then i got reaaaaaaalllyyyy restless, even Jasmine got bored. So i bugged my mum to let us go to amk or tp.
haha! it got really lame and stupid then my mum got fed up and allowed me to go. Jasmine was laughing when i asked. Lawwwllzzz. Then i perked up. Typical. haha.
We pigged at Hans.

LOL! I wanna laugh so hard. HEEEYY *WEILIANG
(name changed for obvious reasons, but jas knows who the heck i'm talking about cos she chose the name herself. i'm just saying it to JISIAO her. heh) LOOK AT JAAASSSSSS. X)
Bought Cleo and loads of other crap stuff. Got Jojo's new album. Not bad though.
HAHA! Look like crap but heck. Like damn ahsoh la. Eee. Anyway, after dropping Jas off at her place, went off with daddy to pick Jo.
Throbbing headache, reading in the car.
I bet my room smells of orange now. Lit the scent candle mummy bought in my room. HEH!
Obviously inverted.

And something irrelevent.
That's Dan psychoing my sis to pose for a pic with her.(if you look closely, bad pic i know.) Haven't got photos from her yet. Hope her cam's fine.

Tralalas! I'm off to read my mag.
And, to zz & Jasyeo, Is Saturday okay for both of you!? Cycling, skating and jogging! What fun. HAHA! I don't know? blaaah. That's just a suggestion. :D
8:25 PM;
Name a fren who's name starts with a "S"?
4TH person on your missed calls?
My mum.
What was the last text message you recieved?
Boo. That's private.
Do you chew on straws?
Do you have curly hair?
nah. i've naturally straight hair.
What is the next concert you are going?
lol not planning to go to any at the moment.
What was the last thing you eat?
BK'S Mushroom Swiss burger.
What was the last thing you said to someone and who was it?
Can't remember.
Do you watch TV?
doesn't everyone?
Have you ever seen the movie donniedarko?
What in the world..?
Ever been hunting?
What kind of hunting? heheheheh.
Is marriage in your future?
I think so.
When was the last time you said "I love you" and meant it?
Months ago.
What you should be doing right now?
erm, starting on my holiday homework? I DID A BOOK REVIEW! whee.
Do you have a nickname?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
That's stupid. It's probably spark, chemistry not loveeee. -.- So cliched.
Who is the youngest in the family?
My youngest sister.
Is drugs free the way to be?
Are you a heavy sleeper?
Pretty much
Do you clean up?
Last time you used a skateboard?
last year? haha! i almost fell. -.-
Where is the last place you sleep besides your house?
No memory of it.
Ever run out of gas on the road?
No car!
Best movie you ever seen in the past two weeks?
Big Fat Liar!
Do you think ppl who come up with brain dead quizzes are crying for help in some twisted way?
Can't blame them. They're just plain bored. Same for the people who does them. :X
Last person you saw?
My dad.
Talked to on the phone?
Danitza. ahha!
Person you texted?
Piak. -.- ohgod.
today's the 12th of nov
Got any plans?
for today? or tmr? i'm gonna head to the lib tmr. lol
Missing someone?
... I guess. Someone's who's not worth missing. Gees.
feeling fat.
I'm a morning person?
I believe time by waking early, you gain more time?
True but, i don't want more time.
I'm only a child?
I'm currently in my pyjamas?
I m online 24/7?
I'm very shy about the opposite gender?
I currently regret something i have done?
...yeah. not currently i guess.
I enjoy talking on the phone?
I have a secret?
Everyone has secrets. -.- true
The next few people to do this?
lol i dont wanna be accused of psycho-ing.
Zhaozhi made me do it! HAHA! Today should have been my birthday. :D
Headed to queensway today. Bought my long awaited shoes. Got my phone. No idea how it looks like. it's a WHITE k610i. :D
red's too ... yeah and silver's plain disgusting and they don't have black. i wonder how's the white's like. collecting it next week.
But, i've been such a brat because of the phone. Gee. :/
I want a date with jasyeo and zz. :D
lalalala. tired.
oh. one week and ... two days? anyone could have thought you've fallen off a cliff or something. you should go drown in the ocean. whatever! I don't really care. Just seeing how long you're going to play it through.
7:12 PM;
%^!#$*@#!@^&Ohbloodyhell. It's been days. Oh, not like i've been counting. You can forget about talking to me. I just realised that you've been having too much fun that you've forgotten all about me. And well me? I've been suffering and dropping tears for fun and laughter peace and joy that i've forgotten all about you. So i just we're even. But still, you just make me wanna go UGH the whole day. I'm not missing you yaayeedas.
I wanna laugh. I wanna cry. I wanna snort out in disgust at my stupidity. I wanna puke my dinner out thinking about it. I feel like such a fool. I guess i'm screwed up. I hate you yet i can't stop thinking about you. Yeah go ahead and laugh out loud. I screwed it up completely. Not like i wanna think about it. *snorts*
Hell yeah i'm gonna watch Goong until i cry.
Oh god i am SO screwed.
8:26 PM;
The last few days have been shit.*yawns*
I actually packed like 1/8254279 of my room last night. Okay, actually, probably, 1/10.
I cleaned and arranged okay!?
I CLEANED. I think i'm psycho. Cleaning at 11pm. Oh blah. Oh yay. Zhaozhi's back from chalet and she called this morning to tell me all about it. Sounds so much fun.
Went out to get hair cut just now.
Gee. I think i'm gonna like go pack my room again later. I created a mess while packing. :X
And then i'm gonna finish reading
Falling For You. I think my books are due soon. And and and! I'm gonna like ... blah i'm not eating dinner. lalala.
5:09 PM;
So i'm just gonna rant rant rant.These days i've been feeling like shit. Not to mention looking like shit. Gr. My stupid hair's not growing longer. Great been washing it so constantly that it's gonna turn so frigging dry.
I need a haircut.My haircut's in a mess lar. So much for trimming hair. Freak Top-Image.
Never going to Andrew's again.
I think i'm gonna go to TP on Saturday to get it done. Sian.
And i want my SE k610i. *pffst*
I want a new bag.
I want a new school bag.
I want new slippers.
I need money! So, i want a job. Yes. Me. Job. Working. hurrrr.
Yet i'm lazy to search for one. lawwlzz.
Will search next time. These days i've been feeling shit. I've got the same problem wanting used to have.
AHHHHH!!!! Horrendous looking eyes. Not enough sleep i think. Stupid hair. Stupid eyes. UGH UGH UGH.
Wanna knock my head on the wall. gee.
6:04 PM;
My dad lent me his k750i since he was not going overseas. T.T thanks daddy.
finally! camera camera camera! all the alaf pictures. whee. that time mr singh confiscated my phone i didn't have the chance to upload them. it's fun looking back now! XD
omg i finally heard the BIN-BIN-BIN song huiping sent. **(&(#@#^ FREAK YOU LAR! WHAT SONG IS THAT? HAHA!
Remember that time we went to the library to research for stuff?
Edwin in the workroom reading. lol
Very blur pic. But it's hj doing sth to the bear. 0.0 huiping got the david one.
Rape vitcim.
LOL! Funny Funny Funny. And we had to do something for the sec4s who were having their olevels? :D
The hearts we folded! <3
The one i made.
Benjamin and Kenneth's gonna kill me for this but, this is too good! XD The gay classic. Probably seeing this for the last time. :/
Kenneth's at it again. Sighs. As always in class. 

11:02 AM;
Yesterday night was omfg! XDHuiping came and we played the firesparkler thingie. I don't know what the actual name for it but it's written on the label? lol.I'll let pictures do the talking.

Chocolate Mint Cake! Thank you. (:
Did the PSI go up last night? Probably because we caused too much "HAZE". HAHA!
Ohwell. then we played the swing. Wheeeee. Huiping sang while swinging. HAHA! Funny. She came over to my house(to get 25cents. -.-) then ate and drank abit then i walked her to the bus stop.
9:55 AM;
Okay. Gah. So i went out for lunch. YAY! :DAte at Fish & Co. then mummy picked me up at mrt station and we went off. Sighs. Jasmine didn't come. Frigging ugh.
My birthday's a really rotten one. I thought i would get my phone today. Damn it lar. I was all psyched up about it. Didn't well, exactly smile throughout the "shopping trip".
Darn the sports shops. No running shoes that interested me. Left disappointed again.
All i did was buy a frigging wallet and i bought it cos i felt really rotten and just needed to buy sth.
Damn it lar. Suffering from headaches and almost-want-to-vomit feeling. Shit.
Eyes sore.
Then, tsk! My mum insisted on bringing me out when all she really did was look at her own shit. Leaving me all bored there. and she didn't even wish me happy birthday lar.
I would like to thank Delon and Boen who called when i was feeling damn rotten with a throbbing headache in the car. Made me feel better? haha.
Stupid birthday. Ah... my eyes are frigging sore. I guess i'm only looking forward to later.
Stupid stupid stupid. argh.
And, another fellow mate of mine who's touring Europe now. OI! You said you buy me present so don't forget.
Happy Birthday Ronathan Lee. :D
7:04 PM;
:D Today Today Today! Ohwell.Jasmine came over yesterday and we planned to go bowling when my mum told us the lanes weren't open til 6. GR! So we forgot all about it.
Big Fat Liar then,went off to Yishun,Northpoint to eat dinner when we were supposed to walk to amk central? :X
We alafed in NP and oogled at the stuff in Esprit. LOL. We were searching for presents at Cards and such where we found hot mugs! XD
LOL! Should have snapped it down.
Didn't get anything for them though. Then i went wild at the sight of candle stands and candles. I grabbed eight and paid for them. heh. (actually jas insisted on paying thanks babe.)
Wanted to play with them while counting down. haha!
In the end i got chidded by my mum for attempting to burn the whole house down. LOL?
After so, I dragged Jasmine to the arcade. Played the drums. HAHA! The old version? Didn't take note of it. Our hands were all red! HAHA! Laughed and played which was :D.
Spent the last dollar on shooting baskets. We sucked. HAHA!
Rushed off to buy KFCs, stuffed it down our throats at the bus interchange and boarded the bus. When we got home we went for a walk then played the swings. Yesterday was like, FUN! <333
Sentosa cancelled this morning. ah shucks. But huiping's coming over to play firecrackers with me! XD
Rah. Go shopping with Jasmine later. :) Yeah, my rotten day. Sighs. I just i'm not going out for lunch after all. Gee.
Sighs. An sms or call will do. Stupid camp. Why did it have to be on my birthday. Fucking torture. Can't even talk to you on my birthday. Wtf! Ugh. I miss you so so so so so bad. :(( I guess that sms or call will never come at all. Or maybe, you won't even wish me happybirthday at all. ugh. sighs. and fuck lar. my morning ruined. stupid lar. no lunch no lunch lar. i'm skipping lunch. fuckshit ugh. why do i even CARE about lunch with you anyway. stupid idiot. gr gr gr gr gr. and i like, can't believe my sis bought me ferrero rocher for my birthday. one whole box with 16 in it. sinful.
10:27 AM;
1 more day & i'm not pretty much! We going to
SENTOSA! Then i have to get back before 2pm to go out with my mum. -.- Blah. LOL!
Some sorta rotten day i guess. Geeeeee.
I miss darling. :((
RAH. Jasmine's coming over! yay yay yay. then we're going bowling! YAY! XD
Like, without you, i feel incomplete. :/ I can't believe i'm feeling this way, which i'm not supposed to. The sound of your voice causes instant flushing to my cheeks. Gee. What the heck. It's not gonna last, because it's all at a moment thing. Not like you even care gees. Oh, it's a healthy case alright. I do hope it's going soon.
12:48 PM;
The moon's beautiful tonight.This cloudless sky, so far the most amazing one i've ever since. Glad i picked tonight for a long slow stroll.
I can't believe i took 45mins just to take one round. Tonight's a tad new since i saw this girl sobbing away on the park bench.
Wanted to go up to her and cry with her. LOL. Yeah right. She'll probably raise her brows at me. Ugh Gar Gah Grr.
I miss him.
Although i'm not supposed to.
8:10 PM;
Like finally. My rotting days are over.Ohwell. Went out on yesterday to watch Deathnote. XD
The ending's pretty lame though. The apple thing is cute. haha! It's a pretty cool movie so, definitely worth watching!
Went on a movie marathon at midnight. Watched
The-40yearold-virgin (and unrated. -.-). It pretty much sucked. gee. I only watched one movie lar, didn't feel like watching anymore. plus in the afternoon after i came home i watched,
The cutting edge.Yeah the skating one. Ah! Their moves so chio.
I hate waking up early. Gee and last night, I slept at 2, thinking that i'll wake at 12 or 1 or something. I WOKE AT 10?!
GEE. What's wrong with my sleeping time lately.
My eyes are puffed. Ugh.
This morning, or afternoon, mummy dragged me to vivo to shop. Like finally. My dad came along but he was pretty bored. Durrrhh. -.-
Bought a fox hoodie for Korea trip and a Pull-And-Bear top. I kinda, dragged mummy to Haagen-dazs to eat since she was starving. HAHA!!!
And we all shared ice cream. yaaaayyyy.
The trip to vivo was soo bloody long. Rested my ass on the car seat from 12 to 12.40. Okay, including the sending of my sis to school part. My eyes were barely open when we reached.
And, weirdly my eyes were really dry in the mall. gee.
Ah. Kinda tired. I'm bugging my mum to bring JasmineL and I to bowl at occ tmr. YAY!
2 more days! lalala.I think we would be going to KBOX. Whee! But i wanna go sentosa. Then take a train to vivo. BOO. Gah, still cracking my head. :/
4:49 PM;
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.I'm rotting still. Argh. At first, i planned to work during the holidays but, argh. Forget it. Their stupid delayed phone call bores the hell outta me.
Yeah. So probably gonna find those freelance ones.
I've been getting up hell early these days and i hate it. Then, in the afternoon i get all tired but i can't sleep. ugh.
Goong bores me. I'm stuck at episode 17 and i don't feel like watching anymore.
I woke up at 7 today. Wtf. Then i went to sleep again and woke at 9. WTF. Then cannot sleep anymore. No one gets up this early in the holidays lar. Gee.
I completed one of the books i borrowed from the library yesterday. *scoffs* Yeah, bored and nothing better to do.
At this rate, i can finish all the books in a matter of 4 days. (BOREDOM! BOREDOM!)
My eyes are half open as i type this. And it's the afternoon. -.-
Freak the weather. It's bloody 3pm in the afternoon and it's so frigging dark. No wonder everyone's feeling all drained and all that in the afternoon.
The rain coming at the wrong times. Freak the bloody weather. *stares blankly ahead*
I.. want.. to.. die..
AHHHH. This bloody sucks.
Nothing works. Like today, i got up, and i finally
Female magazine november issue which was thrown on the floor and lying on the same place for weeks now.
And i read it. Pretty thoroughly. Then, it was like only 10.30am.
So, i took a very very very very very very very very long bath. then it was like 12pm? Then, i watched D.E.B.S. (again) and then it was 2.30pm.
Then, yeah. now. 3.17pm.
I'm outta ideas. I can't pick up a book because my mind's pratically dead. 4 more hours.
What the hell to do? I think i'll go catch another show. lawwwwllzzz.
I should have went bowling. Gah.
2:49 PM;
All Or Nothing by Westlife
I know when he's been on your mind
That distant look is in your eyes
I thought with time you'd realize it's over, over
It's not the way I choose to live
But something somewhere's gotta give
As sharing in this relationship gets older, older
You know I'd fight for you but
how could I fight for someone who isn't even there
I've had the rest of you now I want the best of you
I don't care if that's not fair
Cuz I want it all
Or nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Is it all
Or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all
There are times it seems to me
I'm sharing you with
I feel it in my heart but I don't show it, show it
Then there's times you look at me
As though I'm all that you can see
Those times I don't believe it's right
I know it, know it
Don't make me promises baby
you never did know how to keep them well
I had the rest of you now I want the best of you
it's time to show and tell
Cuz I want it all
Or Nothing at all
There's nowhere left to fall It's now or never
Is it all
Or nothing at all
When you reach the bottom it's now or never
Is it all
Or are we just friends
Is this how it ends
With a simple telephone call
You leave me here with nothing at all
Bolding and Italising is fun. :D I'm off now. Tata bitches dear readers.
And since i'm off to Korea, i'll be back, as the old Jamie. Who doesn't get upset over stupid shit. She'll be laughing. She won't be sighing or crying or feeling sad.
It's through. 8 more days to a happier me! CHEERS!
I can't believe you just gave it up like that.
12:59 PM;
Went out for breakfast with huiping just now.Ohman, we got so bloated at macs. Felt like vomitting as we strolled around amk central. And ugh! A bad start to the morning.
I stepped in the muddy pit! Ew! Quite gross
Went to the arcade then. Para para sucks lar. Waste my money. And the DDR there sucks too. It's like, i was stepping on the arrows yet the screen didn't light up!?
Screwed machines.Went luggage hunting after that. Bought my lotion for the korea trip and went back home.
Enjoy your trip to YUNNAN, Huiping! :DSo i'm back home. Blogging probably for the last time til i come back. It's weird because i'm so psyched about the trip now.
Sharing a room with a friend, snow, 2 theme parks!, weird roads, BIG BIG BIG shopping centres, skiiing, hot springs, .... OMG! I am so so so so so psyched!
Zhaozhi! I'm gonna write to you everyday! Then when i'm back in Singapore, i'll post it to you. :D
I think she'll be really really happy. :)
anyway! So, i'm gonna like, go watch the last episode of Fullhouse, laugh my ass off over Rain's lame methods of pursual and do my final packing. Then i'll do abit of homework.
Then i'm off to the airport at 8! I hate midnight flights. Argh. I am so so so running for the window seat since i'm gonna sleep there. mwahahaa.
Shopping shopping shopping! :D
WHEE! KOREA! YAY!!!!! lawlz.
12:27 PM;
My blog's gonna rot soon.I'm flying off on tuesday night.
Suffered from some serious sunburn on my shoulders from tanning on thursday. Graci and Vanny couldn't make it in the end. :/ So it's just dani and I.
It was still fun. We took hell load of photos. I bet she's suffering from burns now too. My skin itches! Must go slab lotion on the burns. Gah.
I'm really really dark now. And, it's weird. :/
Friday was terrible. I felt really sick and restless. Ugh. Spent the whole of saturday watching Fullhouse. It rocks i tell you. :D
Went out to orchard just now. Got my early xmas gifts from mum. Ugh. Cheater.
Bought loads. :D Feeling pretty much happy about it. heheheeh.
I don't feel pretty much anything. At least i dont have to be upset oover you ever again. Good for us i guess. Hey, i made a record. :D mhwahahaha. I'm not gonna cry. I don't want bigger eyebags. I'm not gonna regret. Never.
9:15 PM;
StepUp, a must-watch movie!OHMYGAWD! Their dance moves are so frigging chio! I would luuurrrrvveee to watch it again! heh. It's really nice! Hilarious in a way too. :D Thumbs up!
Caught the 11.35am show with Huiping today. :D
We went to the arcade right after that. haha! DDRed awhile, making a complete fool outta ourselves. HAHA!
We wanted to play the drums, and zz! The lady didn't ask for my ezlink card! And i even offered to la. -.-
then she was saying that i had to return her then laugh. so malu. BLAAHHH.
Huiping and I alafed in front of the drums while waiting for these two girls to finish playing? Gah! It's so obvious we were waiting la, yet they hogged the machine for damn long.
We got really fed up so we decided to play the $2 one. T.T
Because i was realy pissed off, i just went there and grabbed one of the chairs and walked over to where huiping was, giving them that you-stupid-bitch look.
lawlz. but we were really pissed lar.
We walked around PS before heading off to Cinelevel9 to check out this jap shop with huiping's idol in it.
Oh man, she went wild inside. haha!
I spotted a few heeehhsss too. :D
Love his hair!

*swooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnn* cute right! :DDDD
HEH! Lvl9 was more of a gaming place. It looked really rad okay.

HAHA! That place frigging rocks. :D
Finally bought my kerastase shampoo at DGxchange.
Accompanied huiping for awhile during her job. haha! My feet aches from walking. Gee. I'm gonna go watch goong now. OHMYGAWD.
Think i'm gonna go buy sbooks tmr. rahhh. tata everyone! :D
lol. i missed you so so so much.
6:35 PM;
BLAH. I'm peeved. I'm not jealous okaayyy. bleeeh.
Oi ben! i'm psychoing you lar. i don't bloody care. RAHHHHHHHH.
!!!! pffst.
9:20 PM;
Blasted spring.FWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. My mouth aches like hell. Actually, it's better than yesterday. LOL! I think it's disgusting. T.T
I think i'm going book shopping today. haha! Going Taka later most probably.
I'm bored i'm bored i'm bored. siaaaan. :/
The past months i've let you down. I'll make it up to you, i swear. &Now, i've learnt to cherish you even more. Oh yes, i've learnt this the hard way. Stupid piak, sick of him, he's sick of me. he can die for all i can. Yeah, the lust game's over dude. You're history. Wah, why am i so boliaooo?
12:19 PM;
Bleedy spring.Had dental appointment today in the morning. Oh how i regret going. I was supposed to wear rubber bands daily for the last few months.
But due to my laziness and forgetfulness, i do'nt usually wear them, cos when i talk or open my mouth you can see them and its ewww.
So the dentist kinda chidded me last mth. Second half o f the month i COMPLETELY forgot to wear them. Oh god.
The worse has arrived. He placed a spring in my mouth. 0.0
OMFG LA! In a good way, you can't see it unless you look closely but in bad ways, you can't take it out. It's gonna be there for one whole month. I have to wear it through the class chalet also luh! wahhlaooo.
And it's acutely uncomfortable. I can't chew properly. I can't laugh properly. I can't talk much now. WTF!
And i'll eat less. No hard stuff lar. V hard to bite, cos there's pain.
Better follow all dental instructions properly from now on. Blah. HOPE HOPE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE OFF NEXT MONTH! CLOSE UP STUPID TEETH! gah.
Bought loads of chinese assessments today. HAHA!
And i added the comment thing at every post! :D
1:23 PM;
The combination results are out.Oh god. I can't believe i got
3a3(Lit). And so little ppl takes that and i even wonder how to hell i got in! I am soooo appealing to
3a1(Geog). At least i'm in double science. Mummy went to school to help me hand it in this afternoon.
The chances are low but, i put my best in the appeal form. Crammed for reasons and wrote out drafts last night. hahha! Now i can only hope for the best.
Gee. I was psyched about the classes we get into but, darn! 29 December's a long wait.
Went swimming in the morning while sis had swimming lessons. Lying on the chair (tanning!)was nice, well i slept alittle cos i was damn tired. It was 9 in the morning for god's sake! I swore i got a little darker. Heh. I got to enjoy the pool all to myself. HEH!
Went to Compass in the afternoon with mummy ytd. Walked around alittle, bought alittle then settled at sakae to wait for Kim and her mum.
Ohmygawddddddd. I pigged out. The ramen there doesn't taste good to me and i wonder why the noodles are so thick. haha!
Went crazy over salmon. mwhahahaha.
Nothing much happened.
I finished 4/5 of Night Swimmer by Robin Schwars last night. OHMYGOD! It's a really nice book. I've decided to like, erm, read. Well, in the past i've always been a fast reader and i do'nt really like, READ.
So, yeah i'm gonna stop fast reading.
Night Swimmer's a book that is worth reading word by word. Go borrow it from the lib and check it under SCH. :D
I want to buy it! ALthough i've already read it.
Extracts which i find really really really cool! :
Sadness is a gift. It's okay. You have to have sadness to
truly know happiness. Then, when you get it, it's all that much sweeter, like
honey from rocks. (which is well impossible to have honey flowing out from
rocks. if you get what it means. as in, the whole thing. :/)
"You have to love your partner, not for what you can get from
them, but what you have by being together. Someone you can cry and laugh
with, someone who accepts your foibles and loves you in spite of them, someone
you can show your soft underbelly to, and they don't perceive it as a
I think it's really cool. Oh well, worth reading again and again! I want to buy PS: I love you too! It's been reccomanded by ZZ, Dan, Jasleow(omg!?) and many many others. Wow, even jas recommands that lar. So, stop be a must read. :DAnyway, Jasyeo,zz & I went out this morning. We planned to go skating but stupid skateline not open. -.-
Will upload the breakfast's pictures when zz sends. haha.
so, we headed to PS. I bought my slippers. Oh yay. :D
Didn't shop much. Think will go DGxchange on tues with ping to get earrings! I need new ones. and there's plently of pretty ones there! wanna go buy. :D

On the way there Jas and I were wanting to pee badly luh. HAHA! I didn't take with ZZ. boo. :/
We pigged at Pastamania's. Zhaozhi bought POTATO SALAD. ahhaha! Looks really erm, displeasing to the eye. But, it tasted alright.
LOL! ALAF! Zhaozhi's attempt to feed me. Oh! And that's me opening my mouth really wide? LAWLZ! We were laughing so darn hard! i look retarded! gee.
Then after eveything i had this stupid idea. I added cheese, pepper, chilli flakes , salt, more cheese, and TABASCO SAUCE on zhaozhi's spoon. And i suggested playing a game whereas the loser has to eat what's on the spoon.
Scissors, paper, stone. 5 rounds. Zhaozhi vs Jamie. Jas backed out. Pffst.

Yeah, my product. Guess who ate it. Oh god. Jas! Don't upload the video lar! I hate my nose. lawlz.
It's disgusting really.
Then we spent more than one hour in the arcade. haha! DDRing, Drumming, Guitaring, Daytona-ing. lol.
I'm not gonna upload the DDR one lar! I look like a idiot.

HAHA! I look stupid drumming. I sucked btw. Booooooo.

Doesn't look like zhaozhi cos she went like, I DON'T KNOW!! hahaha! These drums are easier though. wheee.

HAHA! I look dumb. Jas looks bored. I'm not playing that actually just pretending so Jas wouldn't play alone.
Aint i nice! mwahha!
Then i won them in daytona LEEEEHHH. I won 2 bucks too. WOOHOO! XD
Ultimate victory. If that's what you call it. heh.
Had fun toDAYYYYY. :D
I'm sorry. I just need time to think. This would probably benefit you too since you're like busy and talking to me might be like, a burden. Gee.
3:50 PM;
Allowed JasLeow to make ME the fool today.Yahhh she should pretty much THANK ME. Always using me as the dummy. He probably has a baddddd impression on me now. T.T
thanks alot then. BLAH. Thank me Jas.
Woke up today with dad banging on the door, saying that we wouldbe heading to Jasmine's house at 12. Then i was like 0.o and the time was like 10.45am.
Reached there pratically half awake
Sat on her bed shivering under the air conditioner and talked talked talked. Kinda lame. Then blahblahblah. Got really bored then she came over to my house at 3.45pm.
By then i got reaaaaaaalllyyyy restless, even Jasmine got bored. So i bugged my mum to let us go to amk or tp.
haha! it got really lame and stupid then my mum got fed up and allowed me to go. Jasmine was laughing when i asked. Lawwwllzzz. Then i perked up. Typical. haha.
We pigged at Hans.

LOL! I wanna laugh so hard. HEEEYY *WEILIANG
(name changed for obvious reasons, but jas knows who the heck i'm talking about cos she chose the name herself. i'm just saying it to JISIAO her. heh) LOOK AT JAAASSSSSS. X)
Bought Cleo and loads of other crap stuff. Got Jojo's new album. Not bad though.
HAHA! Look like crap but heck. Like damn ahsoh la. Eee. Anyway, after dropping Jas off at her place, went off with daddy to pick Jo.
Throbbing headache, reading in the car.
I bet my room smells of orange now. Lit the scent candle mummy bought in my room. HEH!
Obviously inverted.

And something irrelevent.
That's Dan psychoing my sis to pose for a pic with her.(if you look closely, bad pic i know.) Haven't got photos from her yet. Hope her cam's fine.

Tralalas! I'm off to read my mag.
And, to zz & Jasyeo, Is Saturday okay for both of you!? Cycling, skating and jogging! What fun. HAHA! I don't know? blaaah. That's just a suggestion. :D
8:25 PM;
Name a fren who's name starts with a "S"?
4TH person on your missed calls?
My mum.
What was the last text message you recieved?
Boo. That's private.
Do you chew on straws?
Do you have curly hair?
nah. i've naturally straight hair.
What is the next concert you are going?
lol not planning to go to any at the moment.
What was the last thing you eat?
BK'S Mushroom Swiss burger.
What was the last thing you said to someone and who was it?
Can't remember.
Do you watch TV?
doesn't everyone?
Have you ever seen the movie donniedarko?
What in the world..?
Ever been hunting?
What kind of hunting? heheheheh.
Is marriage in your future?
I think so.
When was the last time you said "I love you" and meant it?
Months ago.
What you should be doing right now?
erm, starting on my holiday homework? I DID A BOOK REVIEW! whee.
Do you have a nickname?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
That's stupid. It's probably spark, chemistry not loveeee. -.- So cliched.
Who is the youngest in the family?
My youngest sister.
Is drugs free the way to be?
Are you a heavy sleeper?
Pretty much
Do you clean up?
Last time you used a skateboard?
last year? haha! i almost fell. -.-
Where is the last place you sleep besides your house?
No memory of it.
Ever run out of gas on the road?
No car!
Best movie you ever seen in the past two weeks?
Big Fat Liar!
Do you think ppl who come up with brain dead quizzes are crying for help in some twisted way?
Can't blame them. They're just plain bored. Same for the people who does them. :X
Last person you saw?
My dad.
Talked to on the phone?
Danitza. ahha!
Person you texted?
Piak. -.- ohgod.
today's the 12th of nov
Got any plans?
for today? or tmr? i'm gonna head to the lib tmr. lol
Missing someone?
... I guess. Someone's who's not worth missing. Gees.
feeling fat.
I'm a morning person?
I believe time by waking early, you gain more time?
True but, i don't want more time.
I'm only a child?
I'm currently in my pyjamas?
I m online 24/7?
I'm very shy about the opposite gender?
I currently regret something i have done?
...yeah. not currently i guess.
I enjoy talking on the phone?
I have a secret?
Everyone has secrets. -.- true
The next few people to do this?
lol i dont wanna be accused of psycho-ing.
Zhaozhi made me do it! HAHA! Today should have been my birthday. :D
Headed to queensway today. Bought my long awaited shoes. Got my phone. No idea how it looks like. it's a WHITE k610i. :D
red's too ... yeah and silver's plain disgusting and they don't have black. i wonder how's the white's like. collecting it next week.
But, i've been such a brat because of the phone. Gee. :/
I want a date with jasyeo and zz. :D
lalalala. tired.
oh. one week and ... two days? anyone could have thought you've fallen off a cliff or something. you should go drown in the ocean. whatever! I don't really care. Just seeing how long you're going to play it through.
7:12 PM;
%^!#$*@#!@^&Ohbloodyhell. It's been days. Oh, not like i've been counting. You can forget about talking to me. I just realised that you've been having too much fun that you've forgotten all about me. And well me? I've been suffering and dropping tears for fun and laughter peace and joy that i've forgotten all about you. So i just we're even. But still, you just make me wanna go UGH the whole day. I'm not missing you yaayeedas.
I wanna laugh. I wanna cry. I wanna snort out in disgust at my stupidity. I wanna puke my dinner out thinking about it. I feel like such a fool. I guess i'm screwed up. I hate you yet i can't stop thinking about you. Yeah go ahead and laugh out loud. I screwed it up completely. Not like i wanna think about it. *snorts*
Hell yeah i'm gonna watch Goong until i cry.
Oh god i am SO screwed.
8:26 PM;
The last few days have been shit.*yawns*
I actually packed like 1/8254279 of my room last night. Okay, actually, probably, 1/10.
I cleaned and arranged okay!?
I CLEANED. I think i'm psycho. Cleaning at 11pm. Oh blah. Oh yay. Zhaozhi's back from chalet and she called this morning to tell me all about it. Sounds so much fun.
Went out to get hair cut just now.
Gee. I think i'm gonna like go pack my room again later. I created a mess while packing. :X
And then i'm gonna finish reading
Falling For You. I think my books are due soon. And and and! I'm gonna like ... blah i'm not eating dinner. lalala.
5:09 PM;
So i'm just gonna rant rant rant.These days i've been feeling like shit. Not to mention looking like shit. Gr. My stupid hair's not growing longer. Great been washing it so constantly that it's gonna turn so frigging dry.
I need a haircut.My haircut's in a mess lar. So much for trimming hair. Freak Top-Image.
Never going to Andrew's again.
I think i'm gonna go to TP on Saturday to get it done. Sian.
And i want my SE k610i. *pffst*
I want a new bag.
I want a new school bag.
I want new slippers.
I need money! So, i want a job. Yes. Me. Job. Working. hurrrr.
Yet i'm lazy to search for one. lawwlzz.
Will search next time. These days i've been feeling shit. I've got the same problem wanting used to have.
AHHHHH!!!! Horrendous looking eyes. Not enough sleep i think. Stupid hair. Stupid eyes. UGH UGH UGH.
Wanna knock my head on the wall. gee.
6:04 PM;
My dad lent me his k750i since he was not going overseas. T.T thanks daddy.
finally! camera camera camera! all the alaf pictures. whee. that time mr singh confiscated my phone i didn't have the chance to upload them. it's fun looking back now! XD
omg i finally heard the BIN-BIN-BIN song huiping sent. **(&(#@#^ FREAK YOU LAR! WHAT SONG IS THAT? HAHA!
Remember that time we went to the library to research for stuff?
Edwin in the workroom reading. lol
Very blur pic. But it's hj doing sth to the bear. 0.0 huiping got the david one.
Rape vitcim.
LOL! Funny Funny Funny. And we had to do something for the sec4s who were having their olevels? :D
The hearts we folded! <3
The one i made.
Benjamin and Kenneth's gonna kill me for this but, this is too good! XD The gay classic. Probably seeing this for the last time. :/
Kenneth's at it again. Sighs. As always in class. 

11:02 AM;
Yesterday night was omfg! XDHuiping came and we played the firesparkler thingie. I don't know what the actual name for it but it's written on the label? lol.I'll let pictures do the talking.

Chocolate Mint Cake! Thank you. (:
Did the PSI go up last night? Probably because we caused too much "HAZE". HAHA!
Ohwell. then we played the swing. Wheeeee. Huiping sang while swinging. HAHA! Funny. She came over to my house(to get 25cents. -.-) then ate and drank abit then i walked her to the bus stop.
9:55 AM;
Okay. Gah. So i went out for lunch. YAY! :DAte at Fish & Co. then mummy picked me up at mrt station and we went off. Sighs. Jasmine didn't come. Frigging ugh.
My birthday's a really rotten one. I thought i would get my phone today. Damn it lar. I was all psyched up about it. Didn't well, exactly smile throughout the "shopping trip".
Darn the sports shops. No running shoes that interested me. Left disappointed again.
All i did was buy a frigging wallet and i bought it cos i felt really rotten and just needed to buy sth.
Damn it lar. Suffering from headaches and almost-want-to-vomit feeling. Shit.
Eyes sore.
Then, tsk! My mum insisted on bringing me out when all she really did was look at her own shit. Leaving me all bored there. and she didn't even wish me happy birthday lar.
I would like to thank Delon and Boen who called when i was feeling damn rotten with a throbbing headache in the car. Made me feel better? haha.
Stupid birthday. Ah... my eyes are frigging sore. I guess i'm only looking forward to later.
Stupid stupid stupid. argh.
And, another fellow mate of mine who's touring Europe now. OI! You said you buy me present so don't forget.
Happy Birthday Ronathan Lee. :D
7:04 PM;
:D Today Today Today! Ohwell.Jasmine came over yesterday and we planned to go bowling when my mum told us the lanes weren't open til 6. GR! So we forgot all about it.
Big Fat Liar then,went off to Yishun,Northpoint to eat dinner when we were supposed to walk to amk central? :X
We alafed in NP and oogled at the stuff in Esprit. LOL. We were searching for presents at Cards and such where we found hot mugs! XD
LOL! Should have snapped it down.
Didn't get anything for them though. Then i went wild at the sight of candle stands and candles. I grabbed eight and paid for them. heh. (actually jas insisted on paying thanks babe.)
Wanted to play with them while counting down. haha!
In the end i got chidded by my mum for attempting to burn the whole house down. LOL?
After so, I dragged Jasmine to the arcade. Played the drums. HAHA! The old version? Didn't take note of it. Our hands were all red! HAHA! Laughed and played which was :D.
Spent the last dollar on shooting baskets. We sucked. HAHA!
Rushed off to buy KFCs, stuffed it down our throats at the bus interchange and boarded the bus. When we got home we went for a walk then played the swings. Yesterday was like, FUN! <333
Sentosa cancelled this morning. ah shucks. But huiping's coming over to play firecrackers with me! XD
Rah. Go shopping with Jasmine later. :) Yeah, my rotten day. Sighs. I just i'm not going out for lunch after all. Gee.
Sighs. An sms or call will do. Stupid camp. Why did it have to be on my birthday. Fucking torture. Can't even talk to you on my birthday. Wtf! Ugh. I miss you so so so so so bad. :(( I guess that sms or call will never come at all. Or maybe, you won't even wish me happybirthday at all. ugh. sighs. and fuck lar. my morning ruined. stupid lar. no lunch no lunch lar. i'm skipping lunch. fuckshit ugh. why do i even CARE about lunch with you anyway. stupid idiot. gr gr gr gr gr. and i like, can't believe my sis bought me ferrero rocher for my birthday. one whole box with 16 in it. sinful.
10:27 AM;
1 more day & i'm not pretty much! We going to
SENTOSA! Then i have to get back before 2pm to go out with my mum. -.- Blah. LOL!
Some sorta rotten day i guess. Geeeeee.
I miss darling. :((
RAH. Jasmine's coming over! yay yay yay. then we're going bowling! YAY! XD
Like, without you, i feel incomplete. :/ I can't believe i'm feeling this way, which i'm not supposed to. The sound of your voice causes instant flushing to my cheeks. Gee. What the heck. It's not gonna last, because it's all at a moment thing. Not like you even care gees. Oh, it's a healthy case alright. I do hope it's going soon.
12:48 PM;
The moon's beautiful tonight.This cloudless sky, so far the most amazing one i've ever since. Glad i picked tonight for a long slow stroll.
I can't believe i took 45mins just to take one round. Tonight's a tad new since i saw this girl sobbing away on the park bench.
Wanted to go up to her and cry with her. LOL. Yeah right. She'll probably raise her brows at me. Ugh Gar Gah Grr.
I miss him.
Although i'm not supposed to.
8:10 PM;
Like finally. My rotting days are over.Ohwell. Went out on yesterday to watch Deathnote. XD
The ending's pretty lame though. The apple thing is cute. haha! It's a pretty cool movie so, definitely worth watching!
Went on a movie marathon at midnight. Watched
The-40yearold-virgin (and unrated. -.-). It pretty much sucked. gee. I only watched one movie lar, didn't feel like watching anymore. plus in the afternoon after i came home i watched,
The cutting edge.Yeah the skating one. Ah! Their moves so chio.
I hate waking up early. Gee and last night, I slept at 2, thinking that i'll wake at 12 or 1 or something. I WOKE AT 10?!
GEE. What's wrong with my sleeping time lately.
My eyes are puffed. Ugh.
This morning, or afternoon, mummy dragged me to vivo to shop. Like finally. My dad came along but he was pretty bored. Durrrhh. -.-
Bought a fox hoodie for Korea trip and a Pull-And-Bear top. I kinda, dragged mummy to Haagen-dazs to eat since she was starving. HAHA!!!
And we all shared ice cream. yaaaayyyy.
The trip to vivo was soo bloody long. Rested my ass on the car seat from 12 to 12.40. Okay, including the sending of my sis to school part. My eyes were barely open when we reached.
And, weirdly my eyes were really dry in the mall. gee.
Ah. Kinda tired. I'm bugging my mum to bring JasmineL and I to bowl at occ tmr. YAY!
2 more days! lalala.I think we would be going to KBOX. Whee! But i wanna go sentosa. Then take a train to vivo. BOO. Gah, still cracking my head. :/
4:49 PM;
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.I'm rotting still. Argh. At first, i planned to work during the holidays but, argh. Forget it. Their stupid delayed phone call bores the hell outta me.
Yeah. So probably gonna find those freelance ones.
I've been getting up hell early these days and i hate it. Then, in the afternoon i get all tired but i can't sleep. ugh.
Goong bores me. I'm stuck at episode 17 and i don't feel like watching anymore.
I woke up at 7 today. Wtf. Then i went to sleep again and woke at 9. WTF. Then cannot sleep anymore. No one gets up this early in the holidays lar. Gee.
I completed one of the books i borrowed from the library yesterday. *scoffs* Yeah, bored and nothing better to do.
At this rate, i can finish all the books in a matter of 4 days. (BOREDOM! BOREDOM!)
My eyes are half open as i type this. And it's the afternoon. -.-
Freak the weather. It's bloody 3pm in the afternoon and it's so frigging dark. No wonder everyone's feeling all drained and all that in the afternoon.
The rain coming at the wrong times. Freak the bloody weather. *stares blankly ahead*
I.. want.. to.. die..
AHHHH. This bloody sucks.
Nothing works. Like today, i got up, and i finally
Female magazine november issue which was thrown on the floor and lying on the same place for weeks now.
And i read it. Pretty thoroughly. Then, it was like only 10.30am.
So, i took a very very very very very very very very long bath. then it was like 12pm? Then, i watched D.E.B.S. (again) and then it was 2.30pm.
Then, yeah. now. 3.17pm.
I'm outta ideas. I can't pick up a book because my mind's pratically dead. 4 more hours.
What the hell to do? I think i'll go catch another show. lawwwwllzzz.
I should have went bowling. Gah.
2:49 PM;