Hostile Makeover.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm sorry Chloe. And damn you, why aren't you looking at your emaths and history textbook! You haven't read a thing!


1. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
A British hottie with a sexy accent.

2. Who do you blame for your mood today?

3. Ever seen a dead body?
Err. Yeah.

4. What should we do w/ stupid people?
Kill'em all! Haha! Kidding. Smarten them up, duhhhh.

5. How long do you think you will live?
Til the day i die.

6. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Tried to sleep in longer.

7. What's the carpet look like in your room?
Some, weird design.

8. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
Haven't took it yet!

9. Last person you went out to dinner with?
My family + Kim's family

10. Are you spoiled?
Yes, but i like to think no.

11. Do you drink lots of water?
Guess not.

12. What toothpaste do you use?

13. How do you vent your anger?
Jumping on the bed, pretending to sing or play the guitar with heavy music in the bg?

14. The last compliment you received?
Tuition teacher. Saying that i have the i'm-a-designer! look and that i'm really quiet and i don't look like my sister.

15. Do you look more like your mother or father?
Sadly, my dad.

16. When was the last time you threw up?
3 months ago.

17. Is/are your best friend(s) a good friend?

18. What theme does your room have?
It's soo girly. Sucks

20. Are you a momma's child or a daddy's girl?

21. Would you ever join the military?

22. The last website you visited?
Jasyeo's lj

23. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Can't remember.

24. What was the last show you've been to?

25. Last person you went to the movies with?

26. The last person you stared at?
My sister

27. Number of layers on your bed?
Mattress? Bedsheet? Blanket? Blanket sheet? Whattt???

28. Is anything alive in your room?
0.0 Hope not. I killed that mosquito two days ago.

29. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?
I want to sleep.

31. What is your current goal to achieve?
Work hard for EOYS and do well for tests!

32. How is your hair?
Probably black, with streaks of dark brown which is, pretty much invisible. as in the streaks.

33. What is your current worry?
History and emath test. zzz

34. Do you have plans for spring break?

---------PAST 24 HOURS HAVE YOU------

Cried: yes
Worn jeans: no
Met someone: yes
Done laundry: no
Talked on the phone: yes
Kissed someone: no
Said I love you: no

--------------D0 Y0U BELiEVE iN-------------

Yourself: sometimes
Your friends: most of the time.
Tooth Fairy: hell no

--------FRiENDS AND LiFE---------

Hi my name is: Jamieeeeeeeee~~~~
When you cried the most who was there?: no one. duuhhh
What's the best feeling in the world?: sleeping
Worst Feeling: guilt.

--------WHiCH iS BETTER----------

Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla!
Coke or Pepsi: coke !
Love or Lust: erm?
Sprite or 7UP: sprite!
Scruff or Clean: clean
Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes.
Tall or Short: tall.
Movie or dinner: sleep
Night or Day: night

-------WiTH THE 0PP0SiTE SEX------

What do you notice first : The face.

What personality trait draws you to them: erm, it's a secret! :D

----------THE LAST TiME Y0U...-----

Showered: -.- a few hours ago
Cried: shaddup.


Who makes you laugh?:everything.
Has a crush on you?: like i know.

-------WH0 WAS THE LAST PERS0N...---------

You talked to on the phone?:
You messaged:
You kissed:

I'm sleepy.

4:56 PM;
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
let's bounce

Today was a stupid tiring day.

Geog test was retarded. So was my entire in-the-classroom hours. Gah. Boorr-ing!

Cca was fun in a good way. Wanting was sick, left early. ): Then, i got Chloe to entertain me again. Haha! We were playing the tarot thing again. :D

Then, after so, we started playing Taboo, even when cca ended. Hilarious, as usual, while playing that game. Even psychoed her to help me with my homework. 0.o

ahwell. Rockclimbing tmr. 0.0 Sheesh

Tests tests and more tests. Argh. Spare me the stress.

7:05 PM;
Monday, August 20, 2007
blogger's getting really zzz to me.

I'm thinking of switching of switching to wordpress(the name sounds hella cool) or live journal(yeah, for real).

Aiya. I don't know la. I like my URL. I really do.

But then again, what's the change for? I hardly blog anymore. I think my blog hates me. It's not even showing the quiz from zz and Chloe i posted last Saturday. Ah, so much for neglecting it. I'm sorry my dear blogsite.

But, what can i say? My life sucks. And i even predicted which days of the week would be sucky or sucky sucky. 0.o Yeah, whateverrrr~

So. Yeah, one day i'll blog. Again. For now, I have to enjoy the indulging of food, the temptations buzzing from the television (eh! new channel 8 drama!) and the tiresome chore of mugging.

Darn Chem olvl spa tmr. And geog test on wed. Rockclimbing (can you believe! 3.30-6! SHITT!) on Thursday, the very dreaded physics test next wed.

But then again, on a happier note. I'm attending two wedding dinners in September! Yipeee!~ Ah, how much they inspire me. I'm gonna turn into a big fat pig soon. Sheesh. Those weddings are just two days apart. 0.0

Ah well. I'll blog on Wednesday. Screw upcoming tests. siiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhhsssssssss

6:53 PM;
Saturday, August 18, 2007
weirdo quizzie

Tagged by ZZ and Chloe.

*- for zz.
~- for chloe.

1. (the person who tagged you is) - *Zhaozhi/~Chloe

2. (your relationship with him/her is) – *Good friends/~Senior-junior relationship, only better?

3. (5 impressions you have of him/her) – *Brainy, Sporty, Determined, JayChou-crazy, responsible/~Short(mwaaha!), Sweet-lookin outside, some what sarcastic inside, Nice, hilarious in a way. 0.0

4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you) – *She's always there for me and i'm not complaining! :D/ ~None. T.T Oi oi! Cook me sth!

5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you) – *ZZ always shares her really meaningful quotes with me, too many to recall? 0.0 /~ I remember more of the way she rolls her eyes. haha!

6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will) – *~ 0.0 Hell no. If be so, i will turn lesbian, which is no.

7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be) – Yes, changing their genders. You'll have to wait on me 24 7! Whee! mwaahah.

8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will) – *Laugh./~ Laugh?

9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be) – *Too much of Jay-info! /~ No chloe-made food shared with me at all. lol

10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is) - I'm just completing this thing for them haah.

11. (your overall impression of him/her is) - *Brainy/~Cool?

12. (how you think people around you will feel about you) – Absolutely bonkers at times.

13. (the characteristic you love about yourself is) – I like my anti-social side.

14. (on the contrary, the characteristic you hate about yourself is) – Being a brat at times.

15. (the most ideal person you want to be is) – No comments.

16. (for people that care and like you, say something to them) – Thanks.

17. (pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you) -
1) Zhaozhi
2) Jasyeo
3) Chloe
4) Eunice
5) Peiling
6) Huixian
7) Evon
8) Celina
9) Caijia
10) Cheryl

(who is no.6 having relationship with?) – I suppose she's single.

(Is no.9 a male or female?) - Female

(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?) – Erm, they'll probably turn the world upside down. haha.

(What is no.2 studying about?) – Sec4 stuff.

(Whenwas the last time you had a chat with no.3?) – Since wednesday. haha!

(What kind of music band does no.8 like?) - No idea.

(Does no.1 has any siblings?) – 2 sisters, 1 bro.

(Will you woo no.3?) – HAHA! We'll see. :D

(How about no.7?) – Wooing? haha. Oh no, she's not exactly available.

(Is no.4 single?) – YES. Although reports shown she's -sometimes- lesing, with ME! lol!

(What's the surname of no.5?) - Eng

(What's the name of no.10?) - Duh, Cheryl. meow

(What's the hobby of no.4?) – Looking at eyecandies. tsk tsk. lol. most of the time.

(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?)- No idea, i doubt they're close.

(Where is no.2 studying at?) - A school. duh.

(Say something casual about no.1) – *. mwahahah.

(Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?) - LOL! nooo.

(Where does no.9 live?) – somewhere in singapore.

(What color does no.4 like?) – I know she doesn't really like blue?

(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?) – They were classmates last year.

(Does no.7 likes no.2?) – They dont know each other

(How did you get to know no.2?) - CCA.

(Does no.1 have any pets?) – no.

11:30 AM;
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Do you know do you know.

Do you know - Enrique Iglesias

PS: The MV is (kinda) hot. The guy who made this is a idiot though.

6:38 PM;
Do you know what it feels like loving someone that’s in a rush to throw you away?

The long weekend (sorta) rocked ballzz.

I realised i caught 3 movies in total this week! Isn't that cool or what? Alone date with E and D last Sun (btw E! You owe me the pictures.) Simpsons with T. Secret with Hp.

Mwahaa! I know my mum hates me for it. It's useless to talk about how i spent the weekend huh? Omgzzzz I didn't talk about National day. -.-

Btw, my eyes went totally red on Thursday la. Sheesh! Okay, fine it's National day. So, there's more white on the flag than red so why are we encouraged to wear red? The train ride to cityhall SUCKED ballzz man. I swear i was gonna turn into a squashed pancake.

But, thurs kinda sucked.

Friday was alright, can be better. Caught Secret with Hp @ PS. Saw Xiaoxuan. I stared at her for like 1022840928 minutes before she realised i was there. haha! I am so obsessed with kids now. Babies! I'm definitely going over to Hp's house to play with the baby, someday. (although i speak idiot-language while talking to the baby)

Ah gaaa gaaa goooooo~

Right. Secret was good. Simpsons was hilarious. Ah ha. My week, was alright. And oh shit, i haven't studied trigo yet. Test tmr! ugggggh.


Because, I can see us holding hands
walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side
sitting in the grass laying side by side


6:16 PM;
Thursday, August 02, 2007
i wish we could.

Teehee. I haven't blogged in like 804830953025 days. (actually 3 but, yeah)
I look forward to tomorrow. Ichiban Ichiban! Haven't ate that since our date 3 months ago. And i mean my date with Jasyeo. Gotta go dig out the mooolaaah.
Wonder when that dumbdumb hp's coming back. Brownie's growing balls! Right.

Farewell Party for seniors and Alone date not confirmed. Gah. Hope Ade can make it on Sun afternoon. Bring your Beijing friends along la! Hear them swear in chinese at the ghosts in the movie. hahaha! ... okay

A part of me is looking forward to the farewell party, a part of me isn't. It's hard to say Goodbye isn't it? I'm gonna take loads of pictures and camwhore like crazy on that day, i swear. Sadly, i ain't very bonded with my juniors.haha! The only person i can have a decent crappy conversation with is Chloe? haha!

I like standing beside her.Hooooo. :D
I'm addicted to Lovestoned. Damn.

8:57 PM;