"If you love something, let it go free and if it comes back to you, it's yours to keep."<3333School's hectic.I have to retype my whole english thing like now.
Rush on the class tee designs.
I have no bloody inspiration and i don't think i can make it to the duedate.
And start revising for History and SS.
And also for the Physics test on Friday.
Yet I don't understand a shit from Chemistry
because it's so hard to keep awake during his lessons.
And for the Speed Velocity thing for Physics.
I'm not confident about A MATHS.
And reckon that i will flunk my next test on Tuesday.
I find it a miracle that i try to blog everyday.
Although it's seriously a bloody waste of time.
Perhaps it's a good thing.
because i don't think of you.Or maybe it isn't.
So, why the hell am I still blogging damnit.
7:58 PM;
"There are many things i would like to say to you, but i dont know how."Should i change my blogskin?
I don't know.
I'm lazy. I have no idea.
School's been really tiring for me lately.
And i have crazy drastic mood swings
which really freak me out sometimes.
"Just take it one step at a time
and let yourself feel good with any progress that you make."
Sometimes, I really feel like shit.

Ew Jamie.
Why are you so frigging emo.
Anyway, i made a hilarious discovery today.
And it kinda sucks because the effects of disgust is wearing off.
You know, you look
just like her.
No wonder you fell for her in the first place.
8:03 PM;
Love don't mean changing who you are to be Who somebody wants you to be<333My day was alright.
I'm glad to say it was fine.
And there's no homework.
More reasons to smile.
I am bloated.
Not from dinner but from lunch.
I am feeling very emo.
And i don't know why.
I am feeling random.
Because i have nth btr to do.
7:26 PM;
This week's seemly borrrring.Jasmine came to my house yesterday!
And didn't spend enough time with me. ):
And took my phone and started sending my pics to her phone. )):
We were supposed to do our homework and study TOGETHER.
but, ... ohwell.
As long she's happy.
I sound like a neglected friend.
Oh what the hell i AM a neglected friend.
I don't understand how to do physics homework. OMFG.
I should totally listen in class damnit.
You know what!
I'm gonna study my geography later.
To make up for the unstudied topics for the weekend.
Stupid boring day.
Tuition was retarded.
So was the entire day.
Today, I'm at Square2.HA! I rock huh.
But from Friday it dropped from Square 6 to Square 1.
Bullshit man.
So there's Square0 - Square10.
I'm supposed to never make it to Square 0 because that wld be the end of MOI.
And Square10's the final stage
where i break free from the rope,
or find the scissors to cut or whatever.
And square 0 is where i get pulled in.
So right now i'm struggling to get to Square10.
Buck up on your willpower Jamie!Okay, Bullshit theory.
Ya all don't even understand. hahahah.
I went outside to skate again today!
Skating makes me frustrated and sad.
I don't like skating.
No lar. Because i look like unbalanced and stupid.
Then i came to knw about the.. THINGIE.
Hey JasmineL, if you're reading this.I'm gonna give you a bigggggg hug on Monday when i see you okay.PS: I'm gonna add in a kissie tooooooo. :DDDNah. EWWWWWW.I'm feeling pretty mad ya see.
Bleeeeh. I'm gna come up with retarded designs.
Goodbye readers.

6:34 PM;
We all might just get skin cancer one day.

Crazy Adeline wrote "GAY! XD" on my arm on Thursday.
And i had to go for the sec1 induction after so.
So embarrassing.
At least they didn't ask about my arm.
108 guys kept asking about porn in the library.
And i had to go, "There's no porn here lar DAMNIT!"
Even the teacher didn't like stop them or anything.
And after so, i realised.
The sec1s are taller than me.0.0 I'm ruined.
Talk about the miseries of being not so tall.
12:43 PM;
Jamie you suck you know.
Yeah you
REALLY suck.
I feel like i'm sinking.
Like i'm sitting on the ground
and the Earth opens up and sallows me in.
Or like i'm on a volcano. (wth)
and then the lava/magma sucks me in.
then i die?
Or like i'm in a boat.
then a wave sweeps me away.
all the way to hawaii.
Wahlau! Why your thinking so retarded one.
Oh blah! I feel like shit.
Oh shit. What shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit.
Stupid shit.
It feels like falling in love.
For the third time.Lol bullshit lar you.
9:18 PM;
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?-From Coldplay "FixYou" lyrics
7:37 PM;
Life is an absolute bore.
It's so boring that it puts me to sleep.
I'm just blogging for the sake of blogging.
6:59 PM;
Chinese tuition turned out to become a snack session.
I reckon i've gotten like,
8Fruit Pluses, 4mentos and 5旺旺雪饼 biscuits.
I think it's gonna be like that every Sunday.
I guess i gonna contribute to the snacks too.
After that we went to some housewarming party.
Hanged out a while before heading home.
I swear i was suffering from a mild heatstroke.
The weather's so bloody hot.
And now it looks so gloomy. ooo
After the weather cooled down abit,
Jolene and I headed outside to skate. (yes actually, skate.)
It's been bloody months since i picked up the skates.

And it doesn't look as pretty as it is now.
Well look at it, see how it's full of scratches and the wheels are like, yellowish.
I hate my bloody brake.
And it's very sad because the only stop i know
how to do is the Heel Stop.
And my brake sucks.
So, it's impossible for me to brake.
Unless i slow down.
And the space outside is bloody small.
I skated really fast just now and just, well.
At least i didn't bang into the wall.
Or at least i wasn't like my sis who collided with the
"SHOWHOUSE" signboard outside the new hses for sale.
Hilarious i tell you.
First she hugs the board.
The board falls.
She falls.
Aiya! I just suck at skating.
End of story.
6:18 PM;
Where the heck is my SIMS2!?I can't seem to rmb who i've lent it to.
Damn you if you haven't returned to me since 2006.
I want it back!!!
I'm bombarded with homework.
I think everyone should watch Girls Out Loud!
But i always forget to watch them on Monday.
So i watch it on YouTube!
I'm not even aware that guys use
the Wanna-buy-a-HDB-flat-with-me method
to actually propose to a girl.
I used to think Sg guys were OKAY
but, this doesn't seem to..you know.
How sad...
I'll like reject the guy if he uses that proposal method to me.
I'm so full of crap.
Okay! I'm off to go watch the esps i've been missing out.
8:17 PM;
Why is everyone's blog filled with a very sad and makes-people-depressed chinese song?WHYWHYWHY!
I think i'm getting sad too.
I won't be updating much lately.
Because i have absolutely no mood to.
And that,
I just have no mood to.
Oh please stop whispering behind my back and give me oh-so-innocent looks.
You're disgusting you know that.
And it gets on my nerves.
If you have something to talk about to me
then just tell me straight in the face you fag.
Stop being so gullible and have your own way of thinking
and stop accepting other's words and totally agree with them
yet you're not even in the picture.
I can't believe i thought you were my friend.
And anyway, i think you're absolutely pathetic.
8:07 PM;
Like who cares man.
heehaw i'm mad.
We went to interact with our Sec1 class today.
It was pretty fun, in a way.
We were all getting high there but the Sec1s went like, zzz.
Okay! I'm off to do maths homework.
I'm ignoring your rants at me.But, it's really none of your business anyway.And that, you don't know what really happened.
You know, i'm kinda hurt.I despise people like you.
5:34 PM;
As long she stops on the ahem.
I'm glad i'm feeling normal again :DSo today i was pigging out again,
and then i thought of you.
Then, i got hungry.
And then i wasn't anymore.
Funny isn't it.
So then i laid on the bed and thought about how my week would be.
BORING that is.
Then i thought about you.
So disgusting isn't it!
He doesn't like me. ):
8:27 PM;
Just shut up will you.
You've bugged me and tried to run my life enough.
Stop threatening me about him
because you're making me feel like shit,
and stop thinking that i'm lying to you.
Just shut the hell up.
You and your stupid menopause.I've had enough.
1:55 PM;
Is my life just boring
Or is it that i have no damn mood to talk about anything at all?I hate Saturdays and Sundays.
I pig out soooo much.
Then i feel guilty about it.
Met up with Huiping and some others after tuition this afternoon.
We DDR-ed, rather embarrassing.
Then they headed to play lan.
Just sat there, and stared.
And stared.
And stared...
9:04 PM;
Secondary3 is so so so different from Secondary2 man!
I used to think Sec3's a time to slack just before the GCE Olevels.
But sheesh how wrong was i.
like gee! our elective history book is gonna be used twice!
And in a way it's good cos we can well, save money on textbooks
because it's retarded to buy new ones every year.
so i went like,
Yeah. I know, sounds uber retarded right.
Anyway, it's so dumb.
Sec3 you're supposed to be
EARLY preparing for olevels.
Not slack before preparing.
quite sad isn't it so I'm gonna slack for good first. tsk.
Oh oh oh oh! I'm so upset about my height.
It's like so retarded to stay for the same height for two frigging years!
hur hur hur.
I want to tear the measuring tape into teensy eesy bits
and sue the person who put it up
because i reckon he or she didn't measure the thingie properly.
I didn't grow... How crazy is that!
At least i got khaki lar. YIPEEEEEE!
It's like suddenly everyone shot up this yr.
the guy in their long pants look seemly taller.
and i feel v sad standing near to them.
It feels miserable to be short.
6:20 PM;
I'm bored.
I wanna jump madly on the bed singing a stupid song
in an extremely off pitch voice.
I wanna go for PE tmr.
Please please please i wanna take my height!
i swear i grew! (i think)
it better be 160sth already!!
I'm bored bored bored.
Oh! Have you noticed that i've changed my blogskin?
Today was like retarded.zzz.
Chinese was retarded.
Maths was (as usual) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
English was like OMFG. Spelling and Diagnostic!
Can you believe it! (Hell yeah you can)
Recess was retarded.
Chemistry was damn damn damn retarded!
And assembly.
Holy crap, the retardest-est-est of all! (you see i'm trying to stress on it)
HEEHAW.I'm like abnormally HIIIGGGGGH today.
I don't know.
I just....
I'm just frigging bored!
Is that a good answer?
Sheesh. So i'm off to hammer my internet again.
I'm actually writting such crap in my blog.(Again)
7:33 PM;
So I say, What the hell is wrong with me?Okay, school's started.
To think i was looking forward to it.
I dread the start of school.I cannot wait, for the cca intro thing on wed
to end.
And the sec1 welcome party.
Then, i'll put my mind at ease.
School's so hectic.
Being Seconday 3 sucks.
The books are darn heavy.
My butt aches from sitting too much.
My tummy grumbles when i don't eat recess and sch ends at 2.30
I feel weird in my class.
My butt aches.
My butt still aches.
so i survived the first three days of school.
so-so lar.
i want my holidays.
i want it to be november again.
or october or september or may or march.
Or better,
I can't wait for CNY.
hahahaha! That's what i enjoy best.
i think.
okay i sound like a retard. heehaw.
i have booorrrinnggg teachers
and super dramatic ones
and nice ones
and borrrinng ones.
I like my super dramatic teacher.
I think she's like really cool.
And dramatic. :D
i have looooong classes.
Longest until 2.30 without lunch
except recess at 10.50.
My tummy glowers.
kay, growls.
Or rumbles.
uh uh.
boring boring boring.
my butt aches.
I am suffering from lack of sleep!
this sucks.
i want my holidays back.
i hate the heavy books.
my butt still aches.
8:06 PM;
Oh yes, it's the first post of the brand new year.
Once again,
Okay, hahaha.
Seriously need to catch up on sleep.
Went out to ToaPayoh today
and had this really cute incident with this little boy
Hp and I were eating somewhere
then this kid was smiling up to us
he fell,got up and ran towards us
Then he seemed to wooble as he walked.
which is rather cute. hohoho.
his mum went, "Are you drunk?"
Then tried to help him balance.
LMAO! It's so cute! ><
Then as he walked away, he gave us a flying kiss.
And he waved goodbye.
we did too.
Such a adorable lil kid.
Hope it's another zooming fast passing year.
6:30 PM;
"If you love something, let it go free and if it comes back to you, it's yours to keep."<3333School's hectic.I have to retype my whole english thing like now.
Rush on the class tee designs.
I have no bloody inspiration and i don't think i can make it to the duedate.
And start revising for History and SS.
And also for the Physics test on Friday.
Yet I don't understand a shit from Chemistry
because it's so hard to keep awake during his lessons.
And for the Speed Velocity thing for Physics.
I'm not confident about A MATHS.
And reckon that i will flunk my next test on Tuesday.
I find it a miracle that i try to blog everyday.
Although it's seriously a bloody waste of time.
Perhaps it's a good thing.
because i don't think of you.Or maybe it isn't.
So, why the hell am I still blogging damnit.
7:58 PM;
"There are many things i would like to say to you, but i dont know how."Should i change my blogskin?
I don't know.
I'm lazy. I have no idea.
School's been really tiring for me lately.
And i have crazy drastic mood swings
which really freak me out sometimes.
"Just take it one step at a time
and let yourself feel good with any progress that you make."
Sometimes, I really feel like shit.

Ew Jamie.
Why are you so frigging emo.
Anyway, i made a hilarious discovery today.
And it kinda sucks because the effects of disgust is wearing off.
You know, you look
just like her.
No wonder you fell for her in the first place.
8:03 PM;
Love don't mean changing who you are to be Who somebody wants you to be<333My day was alright.
I'm glad to say it was fine.
And there's no homework.
More reasons to smile.
I am bloated.
Not from dinner but from lunch.
I am feeling very emo.
And i don't know why.
I am feeling random.
Because i have nth btr to do.
7:26 PM;
This week's seemly borrrring.Jasmine came to my house yesterday!
And didn't spend enough time with me. ):
And took my phone and started sending my pics to her phone. )):
We were supposed to do our homework and study TOGETHER.
but, ... ohwell.
As long she's happy.
I sound like a neglected friend.
Oh what the hell i AM a neglected friend.
I don't understand how to do physics homework. OMFG.
I should totally listen in class damnit.
You know what!
I'm gonna study my geography later.
To make up for the unstudied topics for the weekend.
Stupid boring day.
Tuition was retarded.
So was the entire day.
Today, I'm at Square2.HA! I rock huh.
But from Friday it dropped from Square 6 to Square 1.
Bullshit man.
So there's Square0 - Square10.
I'm supposed to never make it to Square 0 because that wld be the end of MOI.
And Square10's the final stage
where i break free from the rope,
or find the scissors to cut or whatever.
And square 0 is where i get pulled in.
So right now i'm struggling to get to Square10.
Buck up on your willpower Jamie!Okay, Bullshit theory.
Ya all don't even understand. hahahah.
I went outside to skate again today!
Skating makes me frustrated and sad.
I don't like skating.
No lar. Because i look like unbalanced and stupid.
Then i came to knw about the.. THINGIE.
Hey JasmineL, if you're reading this.I'm gonna give you a bigggggg hug on Monday when i see you okay.PS: I'm gonna add in a kissie tooooooo. :DDDNah. EWWWWWW.I'm feeling pretty mad ya see.
Bleeeeh. I'm gna come up with retarded designs.
Goodbye readers.

6:34 PM;
We all might just get skin cancer one day.

Crazy Adeline wrote "GAY! XD" on my arm on Thursday.
And i had to go for the sec1 induction after so.
So embarrassing.
At least they didn't ask about my arm.
108 guys kept asking about porn in the library.
And i had to go, "There's no porn here lar DAMNIT!"
Even the teacher didn't like stop them or anything.
And after so, i realised.
The sec1s are taller than me.0.0 I'm ruined.
Talk about the miseries of being not so tall.
12:43 PM;
Jamie you suck you know.
Yeah you
REALLY suck.
I feel like i'm sinking.
Like i'm sitting on the ground
and the Earth opens up and sallows me in.
Or like i'm on a volcano. (wth)
and then the lava/magma sucks me in.
then i die?
Or like i'm in a boat.
then a wave sweeps me away.
all the way to hawaii.
Wahlau! Why your thinking so retarded one.
Oh blah! I feel like shit.
Oh shit. What shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit.
Stupid shit.
It feels like falling in love.
For the third time.Lol bullshit lar you.
9:18 PM;
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?-From Coldplay "FixYou" lyrics
7:37 PM;
Life is an absolute bore.
It's so boring that it puts me to sleep.
I'm just blogging for the sake of blogging.
6:59 PM;
Chinese tuition turned out to become a snack session.
I reckon i've gotten like,
8Fruit Pluses, 4mentos and 5旺旺雪饼 biscuits.
I think it's gonna be like that every Sunday.
I guess i gonna contribute to the snacks too.
After that we went to some housewarming party.
Hanged out a while before heading home.
I swear i was suffering from a mild heatstroke.
The weather's so bloody hot.
And now it looks so gloomy. ooo
After the weather cooled down abit,
Jolene and I headed outside to skate. (yes actually, skate.)
It's been bloody months since i picked up the skates.

And it doesn't look as pretty as it is now.
Well look at it, see how it's full of scratches and the wheels are like, yellowish.
I hate my bloody brake.
And it's very sad because the only stop i know
how to do is the Heel Stop.
And my brake sucks.
So, it's impossible for me to brake.
Unless i slow down.
And the space outside is bloody small.
I skated really fast just now and just, well.
At least i didn't bang into the wall.
Or at least i wasn't like my sis who collided with the
"SHOWHOUSE" signboard outside the new hses for sale.
Hilarious i tell you.
First she hugs the board.
The board falls.
She falls.
Aiya! I just suck at skating.
End of story.
6:18 PM;
Where the heck is my SIMS2!?I can't seem to rmb who i've lent it to.
Damn you if you haven't returned to me since 2006.
I want it back!!!
I'm bombarded with homework.
I think everyone should watch Girls Out Loud!
But i always forget to watch them on Monday.
So i watch it on YouTube!
I'm not even aware that guys use
the Wanna-buy-a-HDB-flat-with-me method
to actually propose to a girl.
I used to think Sg guys were OKAY
but, this doesn't seem to..you know.
How sad...
I'll like reject the guy if he uses that proposal method to me.
I'm so full of crap.
Okay! I'm off to go watch the esps i've been missing out.
8:17 PM;
Why is everyone's blog filled with a very sad and makes-people-depressed chinese song?WHYWHYWHY!
I think i'm getting sad too.
I won't be updating much lately.
Because i have absolutely no mood to.
And that,
I just have no mood to.
Oh please stop whispering behind my back and give me oh-so-innocent looks.
You're disgusting you know that.
And it gets on my nerves.
If you have something to talk about to me
then just tell me straight in the face you fag.
Stop being so gullible and have your own way of thinking
and stop accepting other's words and totally agree with them
yet you're not even in the picture.
I can't believe i thought you were my friend.
And anyway, i think you're absolutely pathetic.
8:07 PM;
Like who cares man.
heehaw i'm mad.
We went to interact with our Sec1 class today.
It was pretty fun, in a way.
We were all getting high there but the Sec1s went like, zzz.
Okay! I'm off to do maths homework.
I'm ignoring your rants at me.But, it's really none of your business anyway.And that, you don't know what really happened.
You know, i'm kinda hurt.I despise people like you.
5:34 PM;
As long she stops on the ahem.
I'm glad i'm feeling normal again :DSo today i was pigging out again,
and then i thought of you.
Then, i got hungry.
And then i wasn't anymore.
Funny isn't it.
So then i laid on the bed and thought about how my week would be.
BORING that is.
Then i thought about you.
So disgusting isn't it!
He doesn't like me. ):
8:27 PM;
Just shut up will you.
You've bugged me and tried to run my life enough.
Stop threatening me about him
because you're making me feel like shit,
and stop thinking that i'm lying to you.
Just shut the hell up.
You and your stupid menopause.I've had enough.
1:55 PM;
Is my life just boring
Or is it that i have no damn mood to talk about anything at all?I hate Saturdays and Sundays.
I pig out soooo much.
Then i feel guilty about it.
Met up with Huiping and some others after tuition this afternoon.
We DDR-ed, rather embarrassing.
Then they headed to play lan.
Just sat there, and stared.
And stared.
And stared...
9:04 PM;
Secondary3 is so so so different from Secondary2 man!
I used to think Sec3's a time to slack just before the GCE Olevels.
But sheesh how wrong was i.
like gee! our elective history book is gonna be used twice!
And in a way it's good cos we can well, save money on textbooks
because it's retarded to buy new ones every year.
so i went like,
Yeah. I know, sounds uber retarded right.
Anyway, it's so dumb.
Sec3 you're supposed to be
EARLY preparing for olevels.
Not slack before preparing.
quite sad isn't it so I'm gonna slack for good first. tsk.
Oh oh oh oh! I'm so upset about my height.
It's like so retarded to stay for the same height for two frigging years!
hur hur hur.
I want to tear the measuring tape into teensy eesy bits
and sue the person who put it up
because i reckon he or she didn't measure the thingie properly.
I didn't grow... How crazy is that!
At least i got khaki lar. YIPEEEEEE!
It's like suddenly everyone shot up this yr.
the guy in their long pants look seemly taller.
and i feel v sad standing near to them.
It feels miserable to be short.
6:20 PM;
I'm bored.
I wanna jump madly on the bed singing a stupid song
in an extremely off pitch voice.
I wanna go for PE tmr.
Please please please i wanna take my height!
i swear i grew! (i think)
it better be 160sth already!!
I'm bored bored bored.
Oh! Have you noticed that i've changed my blogskin?
Today was like retarded.zzz.
Chinese was retarded.
Maths was (as usual) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
English was like OMFG. Spelling and Diagnostic!
Can you believe it! (Hell yeah you can)
Recess was retarded.
Chemistry was damn damn damn retarded!
And assembly.
Holy crap, the retardest-est-est of all! (you see i'm trying to stress on it)
HEEHAW.I'm like abnormally HIIIGGGGGH today.
I don't know.
I just....
I'm just frigging bored!
Is that a good answer?
Sheesh. So i'm off to hammer my internet again.
I'm actually writting such crap in my blog.(Again)
7:33 PM;
So I say, What the hell is wrong with me?Okay, school's started.
To think i was looking forward to it.
I dread the start of school.I cannot wait, for the cca intro thing on wed
to end.
And the sec1 welcome party.
Then, i'll put my mind at ease.
School's so hectic.
Being Seconday 3 sucks.
The books are darn heavy.
My butt aches from sitting too much.
My tummy grumbles when i don't eat recess and sch ends at 2.30
I feel weird in my class.
My butt aches.
My butt still aches.
so i survived the first three days of school.
so-so lar.
i want my holidays.
i want it to be november again.
or october or september or may or march.
Or better,
I can't wait for CNY.
hahahaha! That's what i enjoy best.
i think.
okay i sound like a retard. heehaw.
i have booorrrinnggg teachers
and super dramatic ones
and nice ones
and borrrinng ones.
I like my super dramatic teacher.
I think she's like really cool.
And dramatic. :D
i have looooong classes.
Longest until 2.30 without lunch
except recess at 10.50.
My tummy glowers.
kay, growls.
Or rumbles.
uh uh.
boring boring boring.
my butt aches.
I am suffering from lack of sleep!
this sucks.
i want my holidays back.
i hate the heavy books.
my butt still aches.
8:06 PM;
Oh yes, it's the first post of the brand new year.
Once again,
Okay, hahaha.
Seriously need to catch up on sleep.
Went out to ToaPayoh today
and had this really cute incident with this little boy
Hp and I were eating somewhere
then this kid was smiling up to us
he fell,got up and ran towards us
Then he seemed to wooble as he walked.
which is rather cute. hohoho.
his mum went, "Are you drunk?"
Then tried to help him balance.
LMAO! It's so cute! ><
Then as he walked away, he gave us a flying kiss.
And he waved goodbye.
we did too.
Such a adorable lil kid.
Hope it's another zooming fast passing year.
6:30 PM;