I've just eaten a whole box of chocolates.I feel fat.
Oh joy for the awaiting of my pimple breakout.
Soon. Whatever.
I can't help but feel emo everyday.
It's so sad, but true.
And you know why, It's because of... I don't know.
It's so frustrating.
It's been months. Then, I decided that I didn't wanna do this anymore.
Then i realise that,
I've been telling myself that for months.
See what I mean?
It's a totally hopeless thing to do.
It started out as sheer determination.
Then, it faltered.
And I'm still not over you.
Great. My willpower sucks.
And damn you Benjamin.
How dare you sit with him to eat during recess!?!
You know, that moment, I really wanted to knock your head.
And say something senseless so as to get his attention.
(Like, act that stupid Naruto book scene.)
Then again,
It's a stupid thing to do.
And, I don't know I was like so nutty over it.
I think i'm a pervert.
And so, Why am I blogging such senseless irrelevent things about my life
when i shld be studying fo my indices test!
And I shld be completing SS reflection thingie.
And I shld be searching about the topic for OralPresentation
Because it's my turn on Wed!
And I shld be updating my EMATHS file.
And so, what the hell are you doing in front of the com
waiting for him to come online.This is senseless and stupid.
8:19 PM;

Kill me so I die young.
8:52 PM;
I don't know what the bloody hell is wrong with me these days.
I'm being a frigging bitch.
Talking way too much.
And too much critism.
Every sentence that comes out offends someone.
And, you know, it just comes out.
And i keep using the word Bitch to scold a random person.
Erm, I always do that, but I'm over-overusing it now!?
And that's really wrong.
Sighs. I'm sorry to whoever I offended these days.
I probably didn't mean it
because it's probably a at-the-top-of-my-head thing.
And maybe not to you because you're constantly trying to show me
that you're really close to whoever and whatsoever.
And are you like trying to ruin our relationship by bombarding weird senseless questions at whoever?
You know, I don't even want to ASK such questions and you think i want to know
which i don't!
It's none of your bloody business.
You may think you're oh-so-helpful but in fact, back off
because you're actually making it worse.
Yes, You've always been a bitch.
Okay, wrong.
And please! What's to be jealous about?
Have some confidence about yourself duuuuuhhh.
Like i'm sooo into him like you are.
And you make it sound like i am, which i'm not.
I should shut up.
confidence.wear it like makeup; heavy and strong.
4:46 PM;
So it's back to school tomorrow and i am sooo not looking forward to it.
I feel pointless to blog about my everyday life.
Because, seriously, nobody cares.
Well, except me of course.
The only person who would really care about the archives
and blahblahblah,
would be, ME.
And anyway, did i mention being Secondary 3 sucks?
Tests and tests galore.
You might as well go pull your hair out and create some bald spot.
Anyway, enough about my rants on my pathetic life.
This year's Chinese New Year wasn't that bad after all.
Well, i didn't stuff myself with chocolates.
Oh my G. I didn't!
Might as well go jump around the whole house.
Lost my craving for 'em.
And the taste of the dry pastries make me gag.
And for a particular reason i prefer stuffed pineapple tarts
to the ones that have pineapple paste on the top.
And oh boy oh boy.
I am sooo frigging proud to announce that i haven't touched coke for months.
The trip to Korea really did change my appetite for food.
Like, hell WHY am i talking about FOOD? *scoffs*
I feel like a complete bitch now if you'll excuse me.
And then again, I think i'll stop blogging now because i feel that it's pointless and my life is sadly, in fact, boring.
7:31 PM;
I am so tired.
Yet i have to settle her gift thingie.
And then, ... I feel like i'm dying.
So emo.
So empty.
So... i don't know.
My eye is itchy.
I can't help rubbing it.
Well, here I am.
Take me or leave me but decide quick.
I don't have time to wait for something that won't happen.
10:20 PM;
"No one can tell you what love is, you will know simply when you feel nothing else."<333Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Birthday Daffy!

8:57 PM;
8:17 PM;
"Sometimes, I just wish someone would take the time to go past my sarcasm, my loud mouth,my smiling face, my grades & my remarks to see a part of me that few have ever seen."<333 size="2">
And i slept all the way til dinner after tuition.But now, I'm just burying my face in the chem tb
in preparation for tmr's chem test.
I hate tuesday.
I hate tmr.
I want Wednesday.
Because, that's when my tests end.
I am tired.
I am typing with my cheek sticking on the table.
Before i doze off,
8:40 PM;
Aiya, this is sooooo boring.
I think blogging everyday is soooo retarded.
And, i totally don't feel like blogging right now.
I just wanna jump around and sing a song.
This is retarded.
I think Hilary Duff's new song is totally RAAAD.
With love.
I think she's gonna release her new album,
some sorta soon.
Go listen to it
HEREEEEIt's so frigging rad okaaay.
And guess what, you can sing it along too!
Okay, i'm feeling a tad crazy here. aheeem.
WITH LOVE.I don't mind you telling me what's been on your mind lately I don't mind you speaking upI know sometimes I can be all wrapped up and into me I can be in such a rushJust slow me down, slow me down Tell me tomorrow everything will be around Just slow me down, slow me down You're the one who keeps me on the ground Baby, you can be toughSay enough is enough You can even be blunt Just do it with love, love, love You can tell me I'm wrong That I'm coming on way too strong Don't think I'd be crushed Just do it with love, love, love, love Just do it with love, love, love, love Just do it with love.I can take your honesty, all your words sway heavenly Listening to you all the time I wanna be there for you, the way you've been there for me Always help me walk the line And slow me down, slow me down I know you will always be around Baby, you can be toughSay enough is enough You can even be blunt Just do it with love, love, love You can tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'd be crushed
Just do it with love, love, love, love
All this trying to find we know each other
Now that I've been leaning on your shoulder
I can tell you baby that
You're right, you're right
You're wrong, you're wrong
And I can't believe people know your song Baby, you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love, love, love
You can tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'd be crushed
Just do it with love, love, love, love
Just do it with love, love, love, love
Just do it with love.
I think Physics rocks.
Eating Malt Candy on one stick saves the trouble.
Playing with it makes me feel retarded.
This post is like, frigging random.
It's like one moment i'm crazy about the song,
One moment i wanna talk about V day.
Anyway, Yunjia, Evon and I made a list of what we wanted.
Which is frigging long. We managed to squeeze everything on one page.
hahaha! I think V day's gonna be fun.
I think getting aheeeeem to sing a song for me seems.. heeh.
*nudges huiping*
And V day seems to be a perfect day for pranks.
Like you can send 100 roses to someone.
Eg: erm, You send 100 to this person called A. Then, you write from A. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA! -.-
Eunice should probably start looking for her v day gift
from her stalker in the dustbins.
Or maybe it's stuck on her butt.
People People!
Get me one of those wine glass with wine instead of seeds and chocos.
Or buy balloons and float away into the sky to amuse me!
Or get 100 roses and place them on my table!
(and i want them red, i don't like the other colours)Or Godiva chocolates loaded with cherry wine in them!
No lar, these suggestions are ridiculous
so don't even bother reading them.
Just gimme a hug on Vday and i'll be happy.:D
Hey Jasyeo! I want a C____ lookalike performance on Sat!
Yeah Hiking on sat.
Sure fun right Zhaozhi!
Cos the monkeys will chase Jas until she falls off the bridge.
I am feeling crazy agaiiiinnn. zzzzz.
It is tad, seemly, weird.
8:35 PM;
"I haven't seen you smile to me for ages."I'm over it. I think.
Makes me such a freak.
Maths test today was horrible.
I didn't have enough time at all.
A sure flunk.
And Geog tmr better be good.
Tests, Troubles, Heartaches, Heartbreaks, sighs.
7:45 PM;
Jamie is a freak today.She keeps daydreaming about certain things that would never happen.
She smiles to herself like she did in a few mths back.
She laughs out loud to herself while walking home.
And such weird behavior happens rarely.
One word:
EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW.Omg, it's been happening to me for many mths
And i only think about it now.
It's fate?
Nah, It's probably just a
you're-thinking-too-much-and-it's-gna-be-over-tmr thing.
But seriously, it's freaky to bump into someone
whom you only heard of the name
but you've never talked to for the past years.
Snap outta it man.
You're fantasizing , and that's like,
EWWWWWWWW.*chokes in disgust*
Oh Amaths test tmr.
Wish me the best people
because i barely made it a good mark in my last one
and it was just so disappointing.
And oh. Wish me luck for Geog too
because the subject is gonna kill all my brain cells
and i'll probably have another horrid pimple outbreak.
Vday seems so fun because making gifts is so uberduperwooper
Okay, I'm feeling queer.
8:35 PM;
Last night was humiliating.I'm sorry for those senseless stupid smses i've sent to a hell load of people.And i'm gonna die because, I've sent around 50.
50's probably
NOTHING to you people.
Well, not when you have only
400 smses free per mth.
My plan sucks.
It's not just sending 50smses.
It's about WASTING 50 smses.
Okay, what's done is done so yeah.
Last night my cousin got hitched.
And they had this wedding dinner thingie.
I got to see the bride doing her makeup and hair!
Which is uber frigging awesome.
She has this wig thingie to make her hair thicker.
So i was staring in awe at how the makeup artist professionally did her hair.
I'm pretty upset.
Because most of my relatives didn't recognise me at the first glance.
It was only then they looked again and they went,
Even my stupid cousin aka bridegroom didn't.
Reasons given were like,
"You've grown taller.""You look different."I looked taller because i was wearing heels duhhhhh.
And i probably look different because i wasn't wearing my specs
and that i've bun up my hair or sth.
And the atmosphere was uber cool!
Because they had photo slideshows for what happened in the morning.
And the photos look awesome!
It looked so inspiring.
Makes me wanna go snap some wedding photos for someone's memory too.
And they uploaded photos to the computer super duper fast!
I was featured too!
Yeah, me making faces at my cousin for not recognising me.
Anyway. The stupid thing is that,
I got really tipsy at my 4th glass of red wine.
And i woobled as i walked.
My aunt thought i couldn't balance on my heels. -.-
Then i started ... sending weird senseless embarrassing smses to ppl.
The weird thing was i was perfectly fine
but just felt tired and yet...
ARGH. Bad experience.
I'm feeling tired.
Maybe effects of the alcohol from last night.
I'm gna die.
5:53 PM;
"Let the mind games begin. I think i'll lose. Duh."I am feeling low.
My maths results sucked.
I've never in my life made so many careless mistakes.
A total of 7 i think.
Gah. This is always what happens
in all my first test of maths for the year.
So i shan't have high hopes for the rest of the subs either.
Physics test today was okay.
I think.
I don't know.
There was CCA welcome party for the sec1s today.
Boring as usual.
We went to KFC to buy Jasyeo and Liying
coleslaw(sp?)for the party cos they were vegetarians.
They hated it because they seemed to have a disgusted expression
when they were eating it.
Well, yeahlar. It tasted bad.
Zhaozhi and I had to run around to deal with the food thingie.
Ms Tan helped us in mixing the drinks.
And she still said she was pro in it.
So in the end HweeYin and I had to go wash some stinky canister from the SL room.
We had alot of trouble washing it.
Hell, it was sooooo retarded man!
But we all drank up to the drink anyway.
I have soooooo much to do?
Come to think of it.
I feel a need to type it here to realise how many things i have to do.
Okay so first, I have to do my Chemistry.
My Maths.
My Chinese.
My History.
Class Tee Design Thing.
And i have to revise Geog.
And AMaths.
And i wanna watch She's The Man on Saturday.
And.. And.. I don't know. LALALA~~
8:20 PM;
I've just eaten a whole box of chocolates.I feel fat.
Oh joy for the awaiting of my pimple breakout.
Soon. Whatever.
I can't help but feel emo everyday.
It's so sad, but true.
And you know why, It's because of... I don't know.
It's so frustrating.
It's been months. Then, I decided that I didn't wanna do this anymore.
Then i realise that,
I've been telling myself that for months.
See what I mean?
It's a totally hopeless thing to do.
It started out as sheer determination.
Then, it faltered.
And I'm still not over you.
Great. My willpower sucks.
And damn you Benjamin.
How dare you sit with him to eat during recess!?!
You know, that moment, I really wanted to knock your head.
And say something senseless so as to get his attention.
(Like, act that stupid Naruto book scene.)
Then again,
It's a stupid thing to do.
And, I don't know I was like so nutty over it.
I think i'm a pervert.
And so, Why am I blogging such senseless irrelevent things about my life
when i shld be studying fo my indices test!
And I shld be completing SS reflection thingie.
And I shld be searching about the topic for OralPresentation
Because it's my turn on Wed!
And I shld be updating my EMATHS file.
And so, what the hell are you doing in front of the com
waiting for him to come online.This is senseless and stupid.
8:19 PM;

Kill me so I die young.
8:52 PM;
I don't know what the bloody hell is wrong with me these days.
I'm being a frigging bitch.
Talking way too much.
And too much critism.
Every sentence that comes out offends someone.
And, you know, it just comes out.
And i keep using the word Bitch to scold a random person.
Erm, I always do that, but I'm over-overusing it now!?
And that's really wrong.
Sighs. I'm sorry to whoever I offended these days.
I probably didn't mean it
because it's probably a at-the-top-of-my-head thing.
And maybe not to you because you're constantly trying to show me
that you're really close to whoever and whatsoever.
And are you like trying to ruin our relationship by bombarding weird senseless questions at whoever?
You know, I don't even want to ASK such questions and you think i want to know
which i don't!
It's none of your bloody business.
You may think you're oh-so-helpful but in fact, back off
because you're actually making it worse.
Yes, You've always been a bitch.
Okay, wrong.
And please! What's to be jealous about?
Have some confidence about yourself duuuuuhhh.
Like i'm sooo into him like you are.
And you make it sound like i am, which i'm not.
I should shut up.
confidence.wear it like makeup; heavy and strong.
4:46 PM;
So it's back to school tomorrow and i am sooo not looking forward to it.
I feel pointless to blog about my everyday life.
Because, seriously, nobody cares.
Well, except me of course.
The only person who would really care about the archives
and blahblahblah,
would be, ME.
And anyway, did i mention being Secondary 3 sucks?
Tests and tests galore.
You might as well go pull your hair out and create some bald spot.
Anyway, enough about my rants on my pathetic life.
This year's Chinese New Year wasn't that bad after all.
Well, i didn't stuff myself with chocolates.
Oh my G. I didn't!
Might as well go jump around the whole house.
Lost my craving for 'em.
And the taste of the dry pastries make me gag.
And for a particular reason i prefer stuffed pineapple tarts
to the ones that have pineapple paste on the top.
And oh boy oh boy.
I am sooo frigging proud to announce that i haven't touched coke for months.
The trip to Korea really did change my appetite for food.
Like, hell WHY am i talking about FOOD? *scoffs*
I feel like a complete bitch now if you'll excuse me.
And then again, I think i'll stop blogging now because i feel that it's pointless and my life is sadly, in fact, boring.
7:31 PM;
I am so tired.
Yet i have to settle her gift thingie.
And then, ... I feel like i'm dying.
So emo.
So empty.
So... i don't know.
My eye is itchy.
I can't help rubbing it.
Well, here I am.
Take me or leave me but decide quick.
I don't have time to wait for something that won't happen.
10:20 PM;
"No one can tell you what love is, you will know simply when you feel nothing else."<333Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Birthday Daffy!

8:57 PM;
8:17 PM;
"Sometimes, I just wish someone would take the time to go past my sarcasm, my loud mouth,my smiling face, my grades & my remarks to see a part of me that few have ever seen."<333 size="2">
And i slept all the way til dinner after tuition.But now, I'm just burying my face in the chem tb
in preparation for tmr's chem test.
I hate tuesday.
I hate tmr.
I want Wednesday.
Because, that's when my tests end.
I am tired.
I am typing with my cheek sticking on the table.
Before i doze off,
8:40 PM;
Aiya, this is sooooo boring.
I think blogging everyday is soooo retarded.
And, i totally don't feel like blogging right now.
I just wanna jump around and sing a song.
This is retarded.
I think Hilary Duff's new song is totally RAAAD.
With love.
I think she's gonna release her new album,
some sorta soon.
Go listen to it
HEREEEEIt's so frigging rad okaaay.
And guess what, you can sing it along too!
Okay, i'm feeling a tad crazy here. aheeem.
WITH LOVE.I don't mind you telling me what's been on your mind lately I don't mind you speaking upI know sometimes I can be all wrapped up and into me I can be in such a rushJust slow me down, slow me down Tell me tomorrow everything will be around Just slow me down, slow me down You're the one who keeps me on the ground Baby, you can be toughSay enough is enough You can even be blunt Just do it with love, love, love You can tell me I'm wrong That I'm coming on way too strong Don't think I'd be crushed Just do it with love, love, love, love Just do it with love, love, love, love Just do it with love.I can take your honesty, all your words sway heavenly Listening to you all the time I wanna be there for you, the way you've been there for me Always help me walk the line And slow me down, slow me down I know you will always be around Baby, you can be toughSay enough is enough You can even be blunt Just do it with love, love, love You can tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'd be crushed
Just do it with love, love, love, love
All this trying to find we know each other
Now that I've been leaning on your shoulder
I can tell you baby that
You're right, you're right
You're wrong, you're wrong
And I can't believe people know your song Baby, you can be tough
Say enough is enough
You can even be blunt
Just do it with love, love, love
You can tell me I'm wrong
That I'm coming on way too strong
Don't think I'd be crushed
Just do it with love, love, love, love
Just do it with love, love, love, love
Just do it with love.
I think Physics rocks.
Eating Malt Candy on one stick saves the trouble.
Playing with it makes me feel retarded.
This post is like, frigging random.
It's like one moment i'm crazy about the song,
One moment i wanna talk about V day.
Anyway, Yunjia, Evon and I made a list of what we wanted.
Which is frigging long. We managed to squeeze everything on one page.
hahaha! I think V day's gonna be fun.
I think getting aheeeeem to sing a song for me seems.. heeh.
*nudges huiping*
And V day seems to be a perfect day for pranks.
Like you can send 100 roses to someone.
Eg: erm, You send 100 to this person called A. Then, you write from A. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHA! -.-
Eunice should probably start looking for her v day gift
from her stalker in the dustbins.
Or maybe it's stuck on her butt.
People People!
Get me one of those wine glass with wine instead of seeds and chocos.
Or buy balloons and float away into the sky to amuse me!
Or get 100 roses and place them on my table!
(and i want them red, i don't like the other colours)Or Godiva chocolates loaded with cherry wine in them!
No lar, these suggestions are ridiculous
so don't even bother reading them.
Just gimme a hug on Vday and i'll be happy.:D
Hey Jasyeo! I want a C____ lookalike performance on Sat!
Yeah Hiking on sat.
Sure fun right Zhaozhi!
Cos the monkeys will chase Jas until she falls off the bridge.
I am feeling crazy agaiiiinnn. zzzzz.
It is tad, seemly, weird.
8:35 PM;
"I haven't seen you smile to me for ages."I'm over it. I think.
Makes me such a freak.
Maths test today was horrible.
I didn't have enough time at all.
A sure flunk.
And Geog tmr better be good.
Tests, Troubles, Heartaches, Heartbreaks, sighs.
7:45 PM;
Jamie is a freak today.She keeps daydreaming about certain things that would never happen.
She smiles to herself like she did in a few mths back.
She laughs out loud to herself while walking home.
And such weird behavior happens rarely.
One word:
EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW.Omg, it's been happening to me for many mths
And i only think about it now.
It's fate?
Nah, It's probably just a
you're-thinking-too-much-and-it's-gna-be-over-tmr thing.
But seriously, it's freaky to bump into someone
whom you only heard of the name
but you've never talked to for the past years.
Snap outta it man.
You're fantasizing , and that's like,
EWWWWWWWW.*chokes in disgust*
Oh Amaths test tmr.
Wish me the best people
because i barely made it a good mark in my last one
and it was just so disappointing.
And oh. Wish me luck for Geog too
because the subject is gonna kill all my brain cells
and i'll probably have another horrid pimple outbreak.
Vday seems so fun because making gifts is so uberduperwooper
Okay, I'm feeling queer.
8:35 PM;
Last night was humiliating.I'm sorry for those senseless stupid smses i've sent to a hell load of people.And i'm gonna die because, I've sent around 50.
50's probably
NOTHING to you people.
Well, not when you have only
400 smses free per mth.
My plan sucks.
It's not just sending 50smses.
It's about WASTING 50 smses.
Okay, what's done is done so yeah.
Last night my cousin got hitched.
And they had this wedding dinner thingie.
I got to see the bride doing her makeup and hair!
Which is uber frigging awesome.
She has this wig thingie to make her hair thicker.
So i was staring in awe at how the makeup artist professionally did her hair.
I'm pretty upset.
Because most of my relatives didn't recognise me at the first glance.
It was only then they looked again and they went,
Even my stupid cousin aka bridegroom didn't.
Reasons given were like,
"You've grown taller.""You look different."I looked taller because i was wearing heels duhhhhh.
And i probably look different because i wasn't wearing my specs
and that i've bun up my hair or sth.
And the atmosphere was uber cool!
Because they had photo slideshows for what happened in the morning.
And the photos look awesome!
It looked so inspiring.
Makes me wanna go snap some wedding photos for someone's memory too.
And they uploaded photos to the computer super duper fast!
I was featured too!
Yeah, me making faces at my cousin for not recognising me.
Anyway. The stupid thing is that,
I got really tipsy at my 4th glass of red wine.
And i woobled as i walked.
My aunt thought i couldn't balance on my heels. -.-
Then i started ... sending weird senseless embarrassing smses to ppl.
The weird thing was i was perfectly fine
but just felt tired and yet...
ARGH. Bad experience.
I'm feeling tired.
Maybe effects of the alcohol from last night.
I'm gna die.
5:53 PM;
"Let the mind games begin. I think i'll lose. Duh."I am feeling low.
My maths results sucked.
I've never in my life made so many careless mistakes.
A total of 7 i think.
Gah. This is always what happens
in all my first test of maths for the year.
So i shan't have high hopes for the rest of the subs either.
Physics test today was okay.
I think.
I don't know.
There was CCA welcome party for the sec1s today.
Boring as usual.
We went to KFC to buy Jasyeo and Liying
coleslaw(sp?)for the party cos they were vegetarians.
They hated it because they seemed to have a disgusted expression
when they were eating it.
Well, yeahlar. It tasted bad.
Zhaozhi and I had to run around to deal with the food thingie.
Ms Tan helped us in mixing the drinks.
And she still said she was pro in it.
So in the end HweeYin and I had to go wash some stinky canister from the SL room.
We had alot of trouble washing it.
Hell, it was sooooo retarded man!
But we all drank up to the drink anyway.
I have soooooo much to do?
Come to think of it.
I feel a need to type it here to realise how many things i have to do.
Okay so first, I have to do my Chemistry.
My Maths.
My Chinese.
My History.
Class Tee Design Thing.
And i have to revise Geog.
And AMaths.
And i wanna watch She's The Man on Saturday.
And.. And.. I don't know. LALALA~~
8:20 PM;