It's crazy to drag the tests all the way to next week!Seriously, i would rather much have my inequalities test yesterday then next week! Oh bloody hell there's three tests next week and two the next.
Tell me, do you find life in this?*snorts Seriously, what frigging life is this! Well, i think it gets worse when you're older. I worry hell much. About my common tests.
Because i admit i do not pay attention during lessons and normally just stare at the teacher or doodle in my notebook. Someone please stab me because i understand nothing about climographs, the whole chap of forces and coordinate geometry.
Esp Climographs i think. Gee. I want to bang on my head on the wall so hard and call myself stupid.
And hell, I don't bloody care about class tee anymore, they can choose colours that clash with my design for all i care. I don't give a damn, if they use a shit colour, might as well NOT use my design. And for sure, i'm not buying a crappy weird colour class tee.
I can't believe i didn't smile at all for an hour. I guess it's kinda weird and that was totally random.
I desperately want to strangle someone.
I would just sit there for literally hours waiting for some sign of him. Some sign that maybe he was thinking of me. I would make the littlest things into the biggest deals & I would just wait. & then when I finally did see him, I wouldn't bring myself to say hey. It was like I was trying to prove to him that I'm stronger now & I don't need him.There really was a time that I couldnt concentrate on anything but him.He controlled me. I hardly ever saw him or even talked to him for what seemed eternity
but he still controlled my every breathe, my every thought, my every emotion. It was like he was living inside of me & there was nothing I was capable of doing to get rid of him. I would cry & pray that i'd let him go but something in me wouldn't bring myself to say goodbye. I knew I was never going to be able to go an entire day without wondering how he was doing or what he was thinking of. But what he was thinking didnt matter cause I knew that deep down..He wasnt thinking of me & even if he didnt mean anything anymore. He had proven to me without a doubt that he didn't need me. & if it was the last thing I ever did, I was going to prove to him, without a doubt that I didn't need him either.
9:28 PM;
It's frigging irritating to have 4 tests this weeks.So, Good Luck to me and the rest of the peeps.
I had a terrible week thinking about class tee design. I hope they prefer a tee/jersey. Polo's gonna be dreaded due to humid weather. Now i only hope that the signatures of all wouldn't be ruined. Or something.
Zhaozhi must hate me because i haven't replied to her letters for the whole week.
I'm sorry Zhaozhi. I'll reply you one by tomorrow.
I really hate the fact that i am so so bloody lazy. Even ZZ says i look so FREE all the time. Oh gee. I MUST. BUCK UP! oh blah no motivation.
Saturday came a big shock to me.

His name is Brownie. Makes you want to eat it don't cha! He's like the cutest thing on Earth! *swoooooooon*
He's so photogenic! And i conclude he suffers from Depression. Sorta. haha! So, I thinking of his full name! Chocolate Brownie? Double Fudge... OMG I am hungry.
He lights up my day. :D He slept on my lap today!
HE IS SO SO SO CUTE. although i almost murdered him on the first impression ahem..Huiping and AnQi came over to see him today. Hp even knocked his head with a tennis ball. Poor Brown. (I call him Brown, just for short. Like Mr Brown eh?!)
Oh well. I have another thing to obsess over now eh.
I guess i have to type zz's letter now and i shall shut up.
He's just aborable right! (say he's so or i will MURDER YOU like i almost did to him!)
Hehheh. Good night everybodaaaahee.
Maybe, it's a good thing. It's really up to you... you know?People only talk shit out of jealousy.
They hate the fact you've got something they want.
8:29 PM;
Logarithms wasn't that hard after that.
Except i lost 7marks i think. AHEM. Oh how could i not know! Gee! My mind was filled with scenerios i witnessed during recess.
That shameless techniques of flirting with him grows on me.
And she had to do that in front of me! Well, i've never witnessed them doing such a thing before and this is the first and there, I'm pissed/angry/hurt/flabbergasted/so-into-swearing ...etc etc etc
And i glared. At them. Omg! i can't believe i even glared at him.
I never really liked her at all. Sheesh! And tsktsk! Stupid desperado.
But... At least the day ended off with a great big smile on my face. I've sorta waited for it for a very very very long time. <333 I think Huiping got her scenerio acted out too.
HEE! So i was smiling smiling smiling the whole afternoon! Whoppee-doooo.
Liying is a horrible woman. She was stalking Wanting and I for 5mins today! Bugging and nagging. HAHAHA! Oh well.
Thank god. :D
8:53 PM;
Have you ever felt lost about what you want to do in life?There's all sorts of things i want to try in life. All sorts of different jobs. I have many interests in many areas but, I have no idea what i really want.
I guess i'll stick to my greatest passion. I do regret not listening to my mother when i was younger. About building up a strong foundation of vocabulary.
See. I suck at vocab now. I guess i'll have to salvage the situation, starting now. It's better than not trying at all, right?
I hate it when i give up when i feel that i cannot do it. It's rather disappointing somehow. Yes, i'm thinking about a very hopeless situation. :/
I can't believe that i want to take both Lit and Geog. One for interest. One for usefulness in life. Why did i even switch over, now i wonder. It's sorta late now anyway.
Poly admissions are growing each year. It's nice to know that teens KNOW what they want to do in life already, and they're aiming for it, but sad to know that studying is no longer an interest.
Well, you might stare at my words and go like, "WTF! Studying an interest? You've gone bloody bonkers!"
Yeeah, It's not EXACTLY an interest, because it seems like you're FORCED to study, FORCED to sit for all the tests, people expecting to KNOW more when you know it's totally useless in your life.
I just realised that it's sorta fun filling up your brain with what happened in the past, what's this thing about in your body, what's with calculations that measure this and that.
But it's definitely a chore to memorise it isn't it?
Okay, I don't think i should go on. Perharps I'll read this post tmr and laugh at how i felt today. Especially i'm the type who's bloody lazy to study and spends her time, well, just wasting it.
Blah. So im back to thinking about something else.
Now now, why am i running away from something. Jamie you bloody coward. You're just gonna wait and make your stand and leave the scene and that's all. Just go on waiting... and waiting.
It sucks to wait. I know. Whatever.
But at least, as the minutes tick by, I know it's gonna be minutes nearer to the time to make the truth known.
Okay. I'm psycho. I need a doctor. HELP!
Ohwell. Back to .... whatever. :/
8:54 PM;
It's one day left to enjoy the holidays.But, it doesnt seem like a holiday. So i'm back from Thailand. Somehow, i'm not psyched to be back. Life seemed so much easier travelling and shopping and eating.
So yes, Thailand was my ticket to escapism, now that i'm back, the huge word "Reality" slaps me in the face.
I wanted to wear my really-high slippers there but my mum thought i was nuts. She went like,
"What! You're wearing that! Later ppl bomb you you cannot run then you know."
LOL! Crap. She was wearing slippers too. So i sorta rebutted and acted pretty seh about it. Oh well.
I was at the Budget terminal. The condition kinda sucks. But it looks pretty hip and funky. The night flight to Thailand was not that bad at all.
At first, i thought the airport didn't have a bookshop. So i was all panicky and everything because, i really wanted to buy my magazines. Then i decided to sue the airport or sth.
Nah i'm totally kidding. But relieved that once i checked in, the bookshop was there. HAHA.
Shopping and eating in Thailand was a pleasure. Canyou believe i was feeling tired and sleepy at the time of 8.30pm!
But the sleep was just, TERRIBLE. Kim and I were so hooked on Disney Channel that we slept way way way late. *snorts
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! Now i know why my mother forbids subscription to SCV.
And it's so horrible that i laid my head on the table to rest during lunch today. Yes, i didn't eat for lunch and you know why? I was SLEEPING while everyone was eating
And i slept after brekkie. AHHHHH!~~~ Well the bloody thai channel didn't have shows in ENGLISH! We resorted to watching Noddy.
What the hell huh.
It's a stupid bloody show. It's like, in the middle of the show he starts singing. And they get involved in the parade with no one watching except a dog.
I wonder how parents tolerate watching such crap with their children. It makes no bloody sense.
And yes i am so tired.
8:10 PM;

The weather's sorching hot today.
I'm carving for a huge tub of Chucky Monkey. Ahh. Then i'll sit by my window, turn on the air conditioner, eat and ah... bliss.
It hasn't occurred to me that I haven't finished packing for the trip. And okay, I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try to finish my chemistry and ss today.
I'll leave maths and history til i come back. Or just history. Whatever. Ah, homework homework. I wonder what it will be like when it's the June Holidays.
Yesterday was super tiring! Camp itself was tiring. Sorta. The obstacle course thing was the best! Cos our grp got FIRST! HAHAAHHA! ohwhatever. I wonder how we fared in the end.
We had to find our grp members through the blindfold game. HAHA! Then Wanting and I were moo-ing to attract our fellow grp members. Can't see! And it's super alaf! Kept poking and bumping into ppl, the moo-ing part was just, super retarded.
Oh! I had chem lesson then. OMG! I SO MISSED ADELINE! It's weird not seeing her for such a super duper long time. And Daffy! She had her VB thing. Suddenly, i can't wait to go back to school. And then i could see him too. HEEHEE!
AND! HUIPING! I SAW 小明!Nah, i wasn't excited. haha!
Then Wanting and I went out to do the SimpleSimon game thing. Jasyeo was like, "I AM XUEQIN! I AM XUEQIN!" HAHA! Super alaf. She was like high-ing herself.
Esther sorta saboh-ed me to do the Banana dance. 0.0 I rather do the moo-moo dance or whatever it is. lol! lucky they end the game.
I guess camp was least i saw saw saw saw people whom i was dreading to see! ohgod.

So i was wondering, hey zz & jasyeo! Did you guys actually bathe in the boys toilet ytd!? HAHAHA! Ohwell. I'm gonna go. Toodles.
So it was like yesterday, when i realised that.
I didn't really wanna be with you.
But it's just that seeing you from afar just makes me happy already.
12:34 PM;
Had Maths lessons with Huiping.
I miss the days sitting with her crapping about almost everything. But, we were a tad bit mad at the moment and talked really loudly.
Oh oh oh. Boring day. Sorta. I don't know.
I feel violated and blahblahblah. HA! I'm over it already. Arghhhh.
Went jogging in the hot hot sun! I was trying to suffer from stroke. I think i'm bonkers. Well, the panting and all that made me feel... kinda good. One round, 7mins! And i have no idea how big the round is but it's kinda big. 0.0
HAHAH! I just ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran until i felt better.
Oh man i always seem to run like this when i'm feeling like crap.
I tried to nap. But i couldn't. So, i packed! (it kinda rhymes.)
For my camp and thailand-trip.
OKAY. i have no idea what to blog about anymore. I'm going to go pig out and eat and watch tv and talk on the phone!
And study later. booooooo.
6:57 PM;
Call me a idiot because i'm up blogging at 7.30am.I can't get back to sleep. Im meeting Huiping later at 8.30. uhuh. Like, why do i seem excited? Im just one big weirdo.
It's just going back to school sheesh. For some log thing. Whatever. It scares me because,
WHY DOES IT AFFECT MY SLEEP?I conclude i am going to be a very sleepy person later. Hmm i have a urge to watch a movie. Oh well oh well. Jamie you stupid baka. Now what?
You're a stupid retard who can't sleep at night. You nocturnal creature! NOOOOOOO!! Maybe i shouldnt. Because it would make me the fool.
You're so stupid Jamie.
10 possible reasons why i cannot sleep.- I have insomina.
- I giggle too much while trying to sleep.
- I am most certainly not human.
- I am a Dracula in making.
- I have this ultimate fanasty on Logarithms. (Like wtf and no way and ew!)
- I am in love with the math teacher that i sososo cant wait to see him tmr. (EW)
- I am sexually aroused while trying to sleep?
- I am sosososo excited.
- Or just so that, I can't wait for the dawn of tomorrow.
7:30 AM;
人往往失去了才懂得珍惜。So i was thinking about it. How i used to delete all my saved messages at a go. When everything didn't matter anymore.
Then I saw that sms. That was sent by Zhaozhi. So, i told myself, not to take you for granted.
Then, a few months back. I found out how true the phrase was. Isn't it an irony? That people take things for granted then regret when they lose them? It's all too late anyway. And, I don't really give a damn now...
It never meant to go any further.Finally, you need not hear my rants about O.P anymore. It's over. I sucked. No comments.
CCA kinda sucked. Was teaching the Sec1s. Then was staring at the papers and tittles and looking at the pile of books. Gosh.
Then, dinner! lol! Played gooseberry with JasmineYeo and Benjamin. I felt damn extra! Never tagging along again. And, ... ooo. nvm! :(
Then they seemed to be like stalking me lar! (lol! naaah) I saw them again at the bus stop after dinner. -.-
Freaky. Then that Benjamin looked damn kiampa. Like Billy like that.
Oh well. I am bloody tired from cca.
your that guy,
the one no matter how many more guys i go through,
i'll always have a thing for you.
(I think huiping would like this! X) )
9:04 PM;
The homework pile today is enormous. So i went like, "Wtf!" Yeahhhh. I don't even know how to do Physics. Not a single question. Haven't been listening during lessons. Gee. SS not done yet.
Did i mention that i dread dread dread public-speaking? I'll get reaaaaaally nervous. Then i stumble over my words and break out into a cold sweat or sth.
Maybe, just maybe, I might jst pee in my pants tmr.
Oh god. I just had a sumptuous dinner and I have to temptation to lie on the bed and go to sleep. But, oh wow, there's tuition.
And i need to buy quite a number of stuff too. Gees-Golly-wow!
*stares* Sometimes i read my previous posts and wonder if i'm really retarded.
Anyway! I do not look forward to the March Holidays. At all. Full Stop.
I'm stuck in a funny situation when there's so many boring tedious things to do but yet I'm just sitting there wondering what to do about my life.
And it's so unfair that there's cca tmr. I mean, seriously. WHAT THE HELL! LIKE NOBODY HAS CCA ON FRIDAY! Okay except US and the GB ppl as heard from Celina.
FRIDAY! The night of the start of the March Hols and I'm stuck in school! Or afternoon. Whatever.
And it's such an ironic statement because i just talked bout not looking forward to the holidays. Just eliminate the piles of homework given and I'll be screaming and shouting and counting down.
Oh, adding the projects too. Chinese News reporting. Like WTH! Who even does that? And the whole world knows that i cant carry out a single proper chinese sentence feeling comfortable.
I. Cannot. Speak. Chinese.Why why why do i not speak the language well! Why didn't anyone speak to me in chinese in secondary school! WHYYYYY!!!! WHY SPEAK TO ME IN ENGLISH? Okay, this is retarded.
Chinese. And i'm taking os this year. I tell you, it's gonna be a real miracle if i get an A for my chinese. I swear i swear i swear i'm gonna be floating all day.
But of course, i have to work hard. And the problem is, I'm still not working hard! Why doesn't anyone motivate me to work hard! HUH HHUHU HUHUHUHUHUHH!
Okay this is getting ridiculous. Byebye people.
you know that feeling when you're
about to get on a rollercoaster?
yeah, you make me feel like that.
6:31 PM;
Ah. Finally! My preparation for OralPresentation is complete! I've spent the whole afternoon doing it. Although i took a short 30min nap.
How i want to rest my tired eyes from staring at the com, but...
There's Chemistry homework. And I need to read up on History since there's extra lesson tomorrow. Oh it ends at 3.15pm. Oh great great great joy joy joy. Right. Bloody hell. But I better be thankful that it's the last time i'm going for english tuition.
Renkai's quitting too. haha. But, I guess I'll probably... not miss the class. haha! If i feel that my english is horrible then i shall join tuition again. LOL.
I notice that whatever i blog about is a complaint of overdose of homework. Or how tired or emo i am.
I feel stupid. Because in my everyday life. The shit and jokes I create make no sense. NO LINK. No bloody link. Yeah, that's why i flunked my essay question right... Gee, these words make such an impact.
Anyway, my haircut sucks. The hair's too bloody thin lar. Lack of volume. And it's weird. The fringe... need i say more? I'm gonna pin it up to school. oh yay oh joy.
Had stomach cramps today so went home after recess. Thanks MsTan for ordering my carving for HotMilo whenever i have grastics(or maybe cramps) and bringing me to the sickbay and filling that disgusting looking hotwater bag thingie.
HAHA! It's a miracle. I felt better when i got home. Then, there's no cramp. :D And for this, i also got outta cca. ohhhhh bliss man. Well i dedicated my time to the Oral Presentation thing.
My eye hurts.
It's so hard to be strong
when you love the one thing
that makes you weak.
6:39 PM;
I'm just blogging for the sake of blogging.
Since it's March, you know, a new month and everything.
I don't know why i always sound so emo in my blog.
Zzzz. I'm heading off to the National Library later.
Then, i'm going to cut my hair.
Hope it doesn't turn out into a disaster.
I'm gonna go flip the hair magazines there for fun later.
It's been so long...
Since i've last cut my hair. hahah.
And like OMG!
SS test today was horrendous.
I didn't get to complete the bloody thing.
And my hands were aching. Well, sorta.
And i don't wanna do Oral Presentation.
Hairstyles of the 60s and 70s.
Would you even be interested to listen to that topic?
Doesn't seem to appeal to guys though.
There better not be any -.- situations.
Oh god oh god oh god.
My life sucks.
And i'm sorta running late for our appointment.
Okay, maybe, not yet. I think i better shoo.
And about you,
I guess we're better off without each other
since it's such a tough decision to make our feelings clear.
And then again, I've told myself that for months.
And, there's something about this whole thing that makes me kinda scared.
Maybe I should just stop thinking about it
because it just bloody drains my mood and i would like to feel sth new after all that mths.
It would be better, for a change.
I think.
But obviously, those are just words.
You know i'll never really do it.
And then, what the hell am i talking about?
My theory is that maybe, if I keep my distance,you'll start to miss me. But so far, we're justgrowing farther apart.
3:42 PM;
It's crazy to drag the tests all the way to next week!Seriously, i would rather much have my inequalities test yesterday then next week! Oh bloody hell there's three tests next week and two the next.
Tell me, do you find life in this?*snorts Seriously, what frigging life is this! Well, i think it gets worse when you're older. I worry hell much. About my common tests.
Because i admit i do not pay attention during lessons and normally just stare at the teacher or doodle in my notebook. Someone please stab me because i understand nothing about climographs, the whole chap of forces and coordinate geometry.
Esp Climographs i think. Gee. I want to bang on my head on the wall so hard and call myself stupid.
And hell, I don't bloody care about class tee anymore, they can choose colours that clash with my design for all i care. I don't give a damn, if they use a shit colour, might as well NOT use my design. And for sure, i'm not buying a crappy weird colour class tee.
I can't believe i didn't smile at all for an hour. I guess it's kinda weird and that was totally random.
I desperately want to strangle someone.
I would just sit there for literally hours waiting for some sign of him. Some sign that maybe he was thinking of me. I would make the littlest things into the biggest deals & I would just wait. & then when I finally did see him, I wouldn't bring myself to say hey. It was like I was trying to prove to him that I'm stronger now & I don't need him.There really was a time that I couldnt concentrate on anything but him.He controlled me. I hardly ever saw him or even talked to him for what seemed eternity
but he still controlled my every breathe, my every thought, my every emotion. It was like he was living inside of me & there was nothing I was capable of doing to get rid of him. I would cry & pray that i'd let him go but something in me wouldn't bring myself to say goodbye. I knew I was never going to be able to go an entire day without wondering how he was doing or what he was thinking of. But what he was thinking didnt matter cause I knew that deep down..He wasnt thinking of me & even if he didnt mean anything anymore. He had proven to me without a doubt that he didn't need me. & if it was the last thing I ever did, I was going to prove to him, without a doubt that I didn't need him either.
9:28 PM;
It's frigging irritating to have 4 tests this weeks.So, Good Luck to me and the rest of the peeps.
I had a terrible week thinking about class tee design. I hope they prefer a tee/jersey. Polo's gonna be dreaded due to humid weather. Now i only hope that the signatures of all wouldn't be ruined. Or something.
Zhaozhi must hate me because i haven't replied to her letters for the whole week.
I'm sorry Zhaozhi. I'll reply you one by tomorrow.
I really hate the fact that i am so so bloody lazy. Even ZZ says i look so FREE all the time. Oh gee. I MUST. BUCK UP! oh blah no motivation.
Saturday came a big shock to me.

His name is Brownie. Makes you want to eat it don't cha! He's like the cutest thing on Earth! *swoooooooon*
He's so photogenic! And i conclude he suffers from Depression. Sorta. haha! So, I thinking of his full name! Chocolate Brownie? Double Fudge... OMG I am hungry.
He lights up my day. :D He slept on my lap today!
HE IS SO SO SO CUTE. although i almost murdered him on the first impression ahem..Huiping and AnQi came over to see him today. Hp even knocked his head with a tennis ball. Poor Brown. (I call him Brown, just for short. Like Mr Brown eh?!)
Oh well. I have another thing to obsess over now eh.
I guess i have to type zz's letter now and i shall shut up.
He's just aborable right! (say he's so or i will MURDER YOU like i almost did to him!)
Hehheh. Good night everybodaaaahee.
Maybe, it's a good thing. It's really up to you... you know?People only talk shit out of jealousy.
They hate the fact you've got something they want.
8:29 PM;
Logarithms wasn't that hard after that.
Except i lost 7marks i think. AHEM. Oh how could i not know! Gee! My mind was filled with scenerios i witnessed during recess.
That shameless techniques of flirting with him grows on me.
And she had to do that in front of me! Well, i've never witnessed them doing such a thing before and this is the first and there, I'm pissed/angry/hurt/flabbergasted/so-into-swearing ...etc etc etc
And i glared. At them. Omg! i can't believe i even glared at him.
I never really liked her at all. Sheesh! And tsktsk! Stupid desperado.
But... At least the day ended off with a great big smile on my face. I've sorta waited for it for a very very very long time. <333 I think Huiping got her scenerio acted out too.
HEE! So i was smiling smiling smiling the whole afternoon! Whoppee-doooo.
Liying is a horrible woman. She was stalking Wanting and I for 5mins today! Bugging and nagging. HAHAHA! Oh well.
Thank god. :D
8:53 PM;
Have you ever felt lost about what you want to do in life?There's all sorts of things i want to try in life. All sorts of different jobs. I have many interests in many areas but, I have no idea what i really want.
I guess i'll stick to my greatest passion. I do regret not listening to my mother when i was younger. About building up a strong foundation of vocabulary.
See. I suck at vocab now. I guess i'll have to salvage the situation, starting now. It's better than not trying at all, right?
I hate it when i give up when i feel that i cannot do it. It's rather disappointing somehow. Yes, i'm thinking about a very hopeless situation. :/
I can't believe that i want to take both Lit and Geog. One for interest. One for usefulness in life. Why did i even switch over, now i wonder. It's sorta late now anyway.
Poly admissions are growing each year. It's nice to know that teens KNOW what they want to do in life already, and they're aiming for it, but sad to know that studying is no longer an interest.
Well, you might stare at my words and go like, "WTF! Studying an interest? You've gone bloody bonkers!"
Yeeah, It's not EXACTLY an interest, because it seems like you're FORCED to study, FORCED to sit for all the tests, people expecting to KNOW more when you know it's totally useless in your life.
I just realised that it's sorta fun filling up your brain with what happened in the past, what's this thing about in your body, what's with calculations that measure this and that.
But it's definitely a chore to memorise it isn't it?
Okay, I don't think i should go on. Perharps I'll read this post tmr and laugh at how i felt today. Especially i'm the type who's bloody lazy to study and spends her time, well, just wasting it.
Blah. So im back to thinking about something else.
Now now, why am i running away from something. Jamie you bloody coward. You're just gonna wait and make your stand and leave the scene and that's all. Just go on waiting... and waiting.
It sucks to wait. I know. Whatever.
But at least, as the minutes tick by, I know it's gonna be minutes nearer to the time to make the truth known.
Okay. I'm psycho. I need a doctor. HELP!
Ohwell. Back to .... whatever. :/
8:54 PM;
It's one day left to enjoy the holidays.But, it doesnt seem like a holiday. So i'm back from Thailand. Somehow, i'm not psyched to be back. Life seemed so much easier travelling and shopping and eating.
So yes, Thailand was my ticket to escapism, now that i'm back, the huge word "Reality" slaps me in the face.
I wanted to wear my really-high slippers there but my mum thought i was nuts. She went like,
"What! You're wearing that! Later ppl bomb you you cannot run then you know."
LOL! Crap. She was wearing slippers too. So i sorta rebutted and acted pretty seh about it. Oh well.
I was at the Budget terminal. The condition kinda sucks. But it looks pretty hip and funky. The night flight to Thailand was not that bad at all.
At first, i thought the airport didn't have a bookshop. So i was all panicky and everything because, i really wanted to buy my magazines. Then i decided to sue the airport or sth.
Nah i'm totally kidding. But relieved that once i checked in, the bookshop was there. HAHA.
Shopping and eating in Thailand was a pleasure. Canyou believe i was feeling tired and sleepy at the time of 8.30pm!
But the sleep was just, TERRIBLE. Kim and I were so hooked on Disney Channel that we slept way way way late. *snorts
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! Now i know why my mother forbids subscription to SCV.
And it's so horrible that i laid my head on the table to rest during lunch today. Yes, i didn't eat for lunch and you know why? I was SLEEPING while everyone was eating
And i slept after brekkie. AHHHHH!~~~ Well the bloody thai channel didn't have shows in ENGLISH! We resorted to watching Noddy.
What the hell huh.
It's a stupid bloody show. It's like, in the middle of the show he starts singing. And they get involved in the parade with no one watching except a dog.
I wonder how parents tolerate watching such crap with their children. It makes no bloody sense.
And yes i am so tired.
8:10 PM;

The weather's sorching hot today.
I'm carving for a huge tub of Chucky Monkey. Ahh. Then i'll sit by my window, turn on the air conditioner, eat and ah... bliss.
It hasn't occurred to me that I haven't finished packing for the trip. And okay, I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try to finish my chemistry and ss today.
I'll leave maths and history til i come back. Or just history. Whatever. Ah, homework homework. I wonder what it will be like when it's the June Holidays.
Yesterday was super tiring! Camp itself was tiring. Sorta. The obstacle course thing was the best! Cos our grp got FIRST! HAHAAHHA! ohwhatever. I wonder how we fared in the end.
We had to find our grp members through the blindfold game. HAHA! Then Wanting and I were moo-ing to attract our fellow grp members. Can't see! And it's super alaf! Kept poking and bumping into ppl, the moo-ing part was just, super retarded.
Oh! I had chem lesson then. OMG! I SO MISSED ADELINE! It's weird not seeing her for such a super duper long time. And Daffy! She had her VB thing. Suddenly, i can't wait to go back to school. And then i could see him too. HEEHEE!
AND! HUIPING! I SAW 小明!Nah, i wasn't excited. haha!
Then Wanting and I went out to do the SimpleSimon game thing. Jasyeo was like, "I AM XUEQIN! I AM XUEQIN!" HAHA! Super alaf. She was like high-ing herself.
Esther sorta saboh-ed me to do the Banana dance. 0.0 I rather do the moo-moo dance or whatever it is. lol! lucky they end the game.
I guess camp was least i saw saw saw saw people whom i was dreading to see! ohgod.

So i was wondering, hey zz & jasyeo! Did you guys actually bathe in the boys toilet ytd!? HAHAHA! Ohwell. I'm gonna go. Toodles.
So it was like yesterday, when i realised that.
I didn't really wanna be with you.
But it's just that seeing you from afar just makes me happy already.
12:34 PM;
Had Maths lessons with Huiping.
I miss the days sitting with her crapping about almost everything. But, we were a tad bit mad at the moment and talked really loudly.
Oh oh oh. Boring day. Sorta. I don't know.
I feel violated and blahblahblah. HA! I'm over it already. Arghhhh.
Went jogging in the hot hot sun! I was trying to suffer from stroke. I think i'm bonkers. Well, the panting and all that made me feel... kinda good. One round, 7mins! And i have no idea how big the round is but it's kinda big. 0.0
HAHAH! I just ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran until i felt better.
Oh man i always seem to run like this when i'm feeling like crap.
I tried to nap. But i couldn't. So, i packed! (it kinda rhymes.)
For my camp and thailand-trip.
OKAY. i have no idea what to blog about anymore. I'm going to go pig out and eat and watch tv and talk on the phone!
And study later. booooooo.
6:57 PM;
Call me a idiot because i'm up blogging at 7.30am.I can't get back to sleep. Im meeting Huiping later at 8.30. uhuh. Like, why do i seem excited? Im just one big weirdo.
It's just going back to school sheesh. For some log thing. Whatever. It scares me because,
WHY DOES IT AFFECT MY SLEEP?I conclude i am going to be a very sleepy person later. Hmm i have a urge to watch a movie. Oh well oh well. Jamie you stupid baka. Now what?
You're a stupid retard who can't sleep at night. You nocturnal creature! NOOOOOOO!! Maybe i shouldnt. Because it would make me the fool.
You're so stupid Jamie.
10 possible reasons why i cannot sleep.- I have insomina.
- I giggle too much while trying to sleep.
- I am most certainly not human.
- I am a Dracula in making.
- I have this ultimate fanasty on Logarithms. (Like wtf and no way and ew!)
- I am in love with the math teacher that i sososo cant wait to see him tmr. (EW)
- I am sexually aroused while trying to sleep?
- I am sosososo excited.
- Or just so that, I can't wait for the dawn of tomorrow.
7:30 AM;
人往往失去了才懂得珍惜。So i was thinking about it. How i used to delete all my saved messages at a go. When everything didn't matter anymore.
Then I saw that sms. That was sent by Zhaozhi. So, i told myself, not to take you for granted.
Then, a few months back. I found out how true the phrase was. Isn't it an irony? That people take things for granted then regret when they lose them? It's all too late anyway. And, I don't really give a damn now...
It never meant to go any further.Finally, you need not hear my rants about O.P anymore. It's over. I sucked. No comments.
CCA kinda sucked. Was teaching the Sec1s. Then was staring at the papers and tittles and looking at the pile of books. Gosh.
Then, dinner! lol! Played gooseberry with JasmineYeo and Benjamin. I felt damn extra! Never tagging along again. And, ... ooo. nvm! :(
Then they seemed to be like stalking me lar! (lol! naaah) I saw them again at the bus stop after dinner. -.-
Freaky. Then that Benjamin looked damn kiampa. Like Billy like that.
Oh well. I am bloody tired from cca.
your that guy,
the one no matter how many more guys i go through,
i'll always have a thing for you.
(I think huiping would like this! X) )
9:04 PM;
The homework pile today is enormous. So i went like, "Wtf!" Yeahhhh. I don't even know how to do Physics. Not a single question. Haven't been listening during lessons. Gee. SS not done yet.
Did i mention that i dread dread dread public-speaking? I'll get reaaaaaally nervous. Then i stumble over my words and break out into a cold sweat or sth.
Maybe, just maybe, I might jst pee in my pants tmr.
Oh god. I just had a sumptuous dinner and I have to temptation to lie on the bed and go to sleep. But, oh wow, there's tuition.
And i need to buy quite a number of stuff too. Gees-Golly-wow!
*stares* Sometimes i read my previous posts and wonder if i'm really retarded.
Anyway! I do not look forward to the March Holidays. At all. Full Stop.
I'm stuck in a funny situation when there's so many boring tedious things to do but yet I'm just sitting there wondering what to do about my life.
And it's so unfair that there's cca tmr. I mean, seriously. WHAT THE HELL! LIKE NOBODY HAS CCA ON FRIDAY! Okay except US and the GB ppl as heard from Celina.
FRIDAY! The night of the start of the March Hols and I'm stuck in school! Or afternoon. Whatever.
And it's such an ironic statement because i just talked bout not looking forward to the holidays. Just eliminate the piles of homework given and I'll be screaming and shouting and counting down.
Oh, adding the projects too. Chinese News reporting. Like WTH! Who even does that? And the whole world knows that i cant carry out a single proper chinese sentence feeling comfortable.
I. Cannot. Speak. Chinese.Why why why do i not speak the language well! Why didn't anyone speak to me in chinese in secondary school! WHYYYYY!!!! WHY SPEAK TO ME IN ENGLISH? Okay, this is retarded.
Chinese. And i'm taking os this year. I tell you, it's gonna be a real miracle if i get an A for my chinese. I swear i swear i swear i'm gonna be floating all day.
But of course, i have to work hard. And the problem is, I'm still not working hard! Why doesn't anyone motivate me to work hard! HUH HHUHU HUHUHUHUHUHH!
Okay this is getting ridiculous. Byebye people.
you know that feeling when you're
about to get on a rollercoaster?
yeah, you make me feel like that.
6:31 PM;
Ah. Finally! My preparation for OralPresentation is complete! I've spent the whole afternoon doing it. Although i took a short 30min nap.
How i want to rest my tired eyes from staring at the com, but...
There's Chemistry homework. And I need to read up on History since there's extra lesson tomorrow. Oh it ends at 3.15pm. Oh great great great joy joy joy. Right. Bloody hell. But I better be thankful that it's the last time i'm going for english tuition.
Renkai's quitting too. haha. But, I guess I'll probably... not miss the class. haha! If i feel that my english is horrible then i shall join tuition again. LOL.
I notice that whatever i blog about is a complaint of overdose of homework. Or how tired or emo i am.
I feel stupid. Because in my everyday life. The shit and jokes I create make no sense. NO LINK. No bloody link. Yeah, that's why i flunked my essay question right... Gee, these words make such an impact.
Anyway, my haircut sucks. The hair's too bloody thin lar. Lack of volume. And it's weird. The fringe... need i say more? I'm gonna pin it up to school. oh yay oh joy.
Had stomach cramps today so went home after recess. Thanks MsTan for ordering my carving for HotMilo whenever i have grastics(or maybe cramps) and bringing me to the sickbay and filling that disgusting looking hotwater bag thingie.
HAHA! It's a miracle. I felt better when i got home. Then, there's no cramp. :D And for this, i also got outta cca. ohhhhh bliss man. Well i dedicated my time to the Oral Presentation thing.
My eye hurts.
It's so hard to be strong
when you love the one thing
that makes you weak.
6:39 PM;
I'm just blogging for the sake of blogging.
Since it's March, you know, a new month and everything.
I don't know why i always sound so emo in my blog.
Zzzz. I'm heading off to the National Library later.
Then, i'm going to cut my hair.
Hope it doesn't turn out into a disaster.
I'm gonna go flip the hair magazines there for fun later.
It's been so long...
Since i've last cut my hair. hahah.
And like OMG!
SS test today was horrendous.
I didn't get to complete the bloody thing.
And my hands were aching. Well, sorta.
And i don't wanna do Oral Presentation.
Hairstyles of the 60s and 70s.
Would you even be interested to listen to that topic?
Doesn't seem to appeal to guys though.
There better not be any -.- situations.
Oh god oh god oh god.
My life sucks.
And i'm sorta running late for our appointment.
Okay, maybe, not yet. I think i better shoo.
And about you,
I guess we're better off without each other
since it's such a tough decision to make our feelings clear.
And then again, I've told myself that for months.
And, there's something about this whole thing that makes me kinda scared.
Maybe I should just stop thinking about it
because it just bloody drains my mood and i would like to feel sth new after all that mths.
It would be better, for a change.
I think.
But obviously, those are just words.
You know i'll never really do it.
And then, what the hell am i talking about?
My theory is that maybe, if I keep my distance,you'll start to miss me. But so far, we're justgrowing farther apart.
3:42 PM;