I don't know why i'm blogging.
You know, it sucks to be emo all the time. It gets boring. I hope the exams just end already! And sheesh, my motivation is still far far far from me.
I hate my distractions. *curse curse swear swear*
Chinese sucks. How am i gonna go about reading it? My chinese is totally horrible. Physics, i-must-ace-it-or-i-will-so-so-so-murder-me?
Gah. This is stupid. I'm like, all talk and no action. So, why can't i study?!
Oh bloody hell. Anyway, I just remembered the reason i'm here to blog.
UTTISLIKE,INTHEMONDAYSTRAITSTIMESINTERVIEW! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (ps: he is still looking fresh in the LIFE! section.)
Yes, UTT UTT UTT! He is sosoosososososososoososososo dreeeaaamy. *sigghssss*
I know i sound like a completely crazed utt-freak. But, he's hot what!(but wahlau the pic of him in the newspaper is soooo not desirable. if not i would have cut it out or sth)
And, his interview was pretty shocking actually. Who knew he was that sexually playful and horny and blah.
But he's my eyecandy and he's gonna stay that way! HA!
Ookay. I did like shit for English Paper2 today(I think,whateverrrrr). And i'm off to read my chinese notes! And be emo again.
8:27 PM;
My heart is an idiot. (start making it up!)And, I'm sorry. (says J, to J) I'm supposed to be on hiatus la! (dumbass) I am probably the dumbest shit on Earth.
I started listening to Jay songs again. Great, what's next?
I want
cheese sushi & peppermint green tea. I can hear my tummy growl.
I am offically deemed as,
emo. As everyone is asking me what the hell is wrong with me these days.
I think
笨ny rocks. Thanks for being there for me.
I want to strangle my student, for fun.
(although using books to hit the head really hurts. Sorry.)When i'm emo, please leave me alone unless i talk to you.You know, I think my life's fine just the way it is.
Except the jaysongs part, there's definitely something wrong.
I don't want to like you, damn it. zzz. Go away. & (especially) you too.
8:44 PM;
You dumbass. Sighs. How can anyone feel so depressed, over everything? So much happened today and you know what?
It sucked.The rain worsed the condition of my mood. The headache came back again. It's like i can't take the noise in the library. I couldn't do my graph question. Crumpled it.
Surds was retarded. I still couldn't get the answer. I forgot everyhitng about inverse matrices. You know what.
I want to strangle someone real bad.
On hiatus already man. Toodles til after exams.
& you weren't there during my weakest moment. you suck.& why do i even care who the chicken it is??!??! you suck too.

10:16 PM;
"Immature is a word used by people who don't know how to have fun."
Throbbing headache. Exam stress? Think not.
I am the laziest person i have ever seen in my entire life. Tsk, talk about devoting time to studying chemistry today. All i did was sleep and do my Emaths homework.
And, well, blog.
Blog blog blog. Blogging sucks like hell now. ZzzZZZzz.
Anyway, I can't study for one whole goddamn day! I just sit on my bed, and daydream. My proudest moment was the Chap2Amath test. Woohoo!
Yes i spend hours. Oh hell. And today, i wasted another 3/4/2/1?? hours. I'll study chem later, but i'll die of exhaustation. Today was hell of a day. I am so goddamn bloody tired.
Sleeping doesn't help. My headache got worse actually. Sometimes, i wish i could sleep, and just carry on sleeping for my whole entire life. (comfy bed)
How can ZZ be so hardworking. I'm puzzled. Well, more like i ask myself, why am i so lazy!? My afternoon was totally wasted.
Just doing senseless things like jumping and twirling around the room, banging my head on the bed/floor many times, staring at my clothes, jumping on my bed, singing to myself...
-Ahhh ha Keep your hands off my girl keep your hands off my girl ahhh ha ahhh ha but the record keeps playing this same old song-I feel dumb with this song playing with my head. Yes, i am so gonna buy Good Charlotte's new album tmr. *squeals* Gotta go dig my piggy bank.
I totally downloaded the Fall Out Boy one! Got help from some kind souls. haha!
Today is a goddamn bloody tiring day. How many times have i repeated that? Maths test. I screwed. I think, wasted minutes by going to the toilet. -.- 4 marks gone. didn't finish.
2.4 run was heeeeeelll. Missed by seconds to my A. Sheesh. Heck.
Recess was, dumb. We could have vomitted.
I'm so tired. I could faint.
I'm so sleepy. I could bang my head on the computer.
I'm so restless. I could sleep right here.
I'm so moodless. I could loooooooooooool. <-?
I'm so sick. I could vomit.
I miss you. I could cry.
8:48 PM;
I hate you.How could you... I thought we were done, and i'm glad we are. Well, you're frigging
irritating you know that.
8:34 PM;
从今天起,我会把华文搞好,不再让自己感到难过或失望。我要在拿到成绩单的那一天为自己感到骄傲,然后想起去年的努力和永不言败的精神,对自己想,“Yeah you worked bloody hell hard for this, and you've got it! I'm so proud of you Jamie!” (哈哈!)这是我这一辈子其中一个非常非常非常重要的考试,我一定至少要拿到个
A!(And yes, it's chinese the sense of achievement is so much greater.)
Okay i suck.(so does my assignment, nothing can suck more than that) I took like half an hour to type that para. And wahlau, with English somemore.
There's no greater sense of achievement than getting an A for chinese. It's my lifelong dream, (because i suck at it) and yes! I WILL WORK HARD FOR IT. I hope. And it has to start from normal everyday comversations! So, start talking to me in chinese you people!
Oh cultural talk. -.-
My student cancelled on me this afternoon. Argh second time!
I hate you man and i was kind psyched on torturing you. Yes, i'm
tutoring maths! Even though my maths is pretty sucky too but haha! I don't know. Will take it as revision too. :D
Is speaking super long for conversation(oral) a good thing or what? The rest said i talked uber long. 0.0 HAHA! I went sorta off topic. From normal family outings to weddings and to very cool wedding photos.
And i was laughing and make dumb jokes about it. But, i totally sucked at picture discussion. And hell i was soooooooooooooooooooooo nervous. I stumbled and i can't believe i read Wednesday as Saturday. -.-
Jamie you dumbass.
ohwell. It's over. I hate this week and next(there's chinese oral) and next(there's chinese exam) and i fear for my compo.
omg. I suck i suck i suck.
8:46 PM;
Homecoming was off to a pretty good start.
You know the rest.Shame on you, you bitch. Now you made my plan failed like crap.(
again) I guess i've fallen for you pretty hard. Screw youuuuuuuuu.
8:53 PM;
"You can't choose what you love, it chooses you."----
Sometimes i wonder why am I in HCL. My chinese
SUCKS, and i emphaise on SUCKS, like frigging crap.
I had the crappiest incident with the word 胶布 today. It's well, Plaster/Band Aid/Handyplast ...etc.
So i was buying my monthly dose of Cleo today
(gee! the bloody sample strained almost half the pages of the mag) , and so i was waiting to pay.
Then this elderly came up to the cashier and asked her where to get 胶布. Being malay, the cashier didn't get what the heck she was talking about.
Actually I didn't get her either. I thought she meant, Pass up the cloth, or something. Oh god i AM a noob.
She asked if i knew what she was talking about.
I said no.
The elderly talked to me in chinese and guess what i ended up asking her?
I think it's written like that la. The 胶布 word. She ended up taking out her shoe to show me.
(thank god she was wearing slip-ons)And feeling embarrassed like crap, I was made to feel worse when the malay lady thanked me for translating.
Then, I went out looking freaked out and I asked my mum the exact same question and she actually knew it was a bloody frigging
I know it's wrong to swear
(but regardless, i do it all the time) but...
WAHLAUEH! HOW COME MY MOTHER KNOW, THEN I DON'T KNOW AH! Then i realised my mum scored a pretty good mark for her olevel chinese. -.-
Maths test was crap. Frantic at the last minute. Screwed for Question 7. Bloody careless mistake. Like hell, 8 marks gone i think.
I want to cry okay, i spent pratically half the day studying maths. And i was aiming for full marks for this one.
Hanged out with Daffy after lunch today. Holding the banner was uber dumb, watching the rest paint. Zhanyan, Daffy and I went to paste flyers after so.
A source told me about a friend's disgusting hairstyle in Sec One. And, HAHA! I totally saw the evidence from the past and laughed like frigging crap. Indeed.
*snorts*Daffy then proceeded to teach me how to play Volleyball. Haha! I know i sucked, but wearing the sch uni to play is super uncomfortable.
We finally
watched Huiping's SYF dance today! The number of people erally shocked me though. They were pretty good. :D
It's homecoming tmr! Sorta, can't wait. Think it's gonna be real fun!
8:25 PM;
There's nothing to do but to stay by him and be there for him. that, i'm pretty contented.
I'm feeling really good. And that's something i haven't felt in months. Oh these terrible months. Hm! Huiping and I seemed to have our personalities switched.
But, this change seems refreshing. She'll get over it. Someday..
I'm kind of psyched up for English Oral! I'm wondering how the conversation will go. Sounds pretty fun! HAHA! However, I'm not psyched for picture discussion. No experience in it, think i will suck.
Think i'll get pretty nervous, again.
I hear there's no chinese oral. True or not? I really hope. Worse, I heard there's chinese picture discussion. WTF! This is so untrue right!
I think i'll just flunk the whole thing. I can't speak chinese, fluently that is. I pause and hesitate at every frigging word. Gah! Whatever.
Okay, enough about oral. GEEEE.
Wednesday always seems to be a depressing-yet-enlightening day for us. No cca today, but cca tomorrow, a maths test on friday, tuition later.
I'm kinda just updating for the sake of doing so.
7:41 PM;
You don't have to make a decision. yay! glad not. :D

Just felt like blogging. I wonder how am i going to survive the Amaths chap2 test on Friday. Wednesday and Thursday's occupied with cca. Geeeeeeeeee.
And i don't understand a shit. I'm gonna mug for it laterrrr, so as for the Emaths one tmr. Geeee. Who has two maths tests in the same week!
And there's another one next week. I totally don't get what she's teaching now though. Just blindly taking down notes, mind in lala land. Geeeeeeee.
Oh bloody heelll. Midyears. How terribly horrifying. And to make matters worse, THERE'S FRIGGING ORAL!?!??!?!
Freak. I dread Chinese. Chinese essay writing all that cheena crap. I don't know why Eunice likes Chinese. She was dreading the english oral whilst me, dreading the chinese. We were making a fuss over it this morning. hAhaha
There's absolutely no chance in retaking the bloody stations thing. Gah. Don't give a damn anymore.
I feel that, I suck. In all my subjects. English, Chinese, History, SS, Geog, ... yeah. These. The rest i'm sorta fine. :/
Mug mug mug. I ant to give maths tuition! I am a pro! HAHAHAHAHAH! -.- that's bullshit. i'm feeeeliiinnngg
peculiar agaaaaiiinnnnnnn.
Shall go bang my head on my maths textbooks. heeeehheheheheheHawwwww.
9:18 PM;
Brownie stared at me while i was eating again.
He always does that. Remember the last time he did that when i was tempting him with biscuits. So i was just sitting there munching them slowly so as to tempt him, he just sat and stared up at me, as though telling me I-want-that-too!
Then he got teary eyed. Oh gah! Scared the hell outta me. So i went to his food bowl and fed him abit. He, well, ate and polished the whole bowl when i pushed the whole thing to him.
I guess he was that tempted. I feel so bad
History test was .... . Throbbing headache after and before. Got worse after i hit myself hard on the head with my maths textbook. Ouch.
And bloody hell those inconsiderate assholes. Hope they flunk their mid-years.
And bloody hell to you too.Yeah yeah i know it's gonna turn out like crap, i had enough of your disgusted comments, yeah, i have more disgusted comments to receive. Aiya, know what, don't like, shut up and design a new one next year. Just dont put me a part of it.
I'm sorry for the disappointment for the back of the class tee. So it's all one colour now because we're rushing. And sorry for the impulse on choosing that particular colour. I mean, it's considered a class effort on that but yet, it seemed to go down in the drain.
Hope it's actually alright. And gah, I'm actually scared at something i'm pretty good in. Inclined PUs. Scared no strength. HAHA! My straight As seem like a distant dream. I'm no good at jumping lar. geee
Headache's back again. Gah. Why did i have to retype this whole bloody thing. So dumb.
7:08 PM;
I wish the day that i can't be bothered on whether you exist in this world arrives sooner.---
Hell whatever i've typed is gone.
7:08 PM;
One day i'll make it up to you. (If i have the chance to.) It's been days since i last blogged. I'd say, there's nothing interesting going on in my life and even though it is, it's gonna be private. Duh.
Right now I'm thinking of how badly i'm going to perform tmr. 5 stations! Eunice and I are going to try and work hard to get straight As!
She seems discouraged. As long as we do our best. I've a bad feeling i'm gonna suck at SBJ and SR. I guess i'll try. I think it's kinda fun. HAHA!
Oh yes, Daffy if you're reading this, I think you're thinking too much lar you dumbass. HAHA! It seems perfectly fine or either that, she's a pretty damn good actress.(which i strongly doubt)
Boyohboy. I had not idea how sports day turned out but, i don't really care anyway. I posed for Zhaozhi's medal today. Gave the thingie(the medal) a skeptic look. LMAO!
It looks really pretty yeah zhaozhi? You lucky girl.
Sunday. It was pretty cool. erm, HAHA! I guess so. But, i'm being such an idiot.
I was totally dyyyyyinngg during lessons today. Oh gosh, thank god for Chem(SPA)!OHMYGAWD it was uber uber fun! (and gossiping with Yunjia during chinese tdy)
I had to wear safety googles and Eunice says i look like a housefly. I made the POP sound with the lighted splint! I DID IT MYSELF!!! It's so fun. But i was afraid of pouring acid on myself. 0.0
Today's so restless and tiring for me. Hope tmr's gonna be better! (yes, without looking around for you.)
Byebye sinful act. I'm so over it.
And to Pearlene if you're reading this, I've never blamed you and I was just pissed at something else. Don't worry about it. Sorry if i sounded as if i wanted to kill you or something.
It wasn't directed at you anyway. Ha, so forget about it okay. I mean, if the class hates it, gee, they can design another one next year without me helping out. Haha!
8:41 PM;
I don't know why i'm blogging.
You know, it sucks to be emo all the time. It gets boring. I hope the exams just end already! And sheesh, my motivation is still far far far from me.
I hate my distractions. *curse curse swear swear*
Chinese sucks. How am i gonna go about reading it? My chinese is totally horrible. Physics, i-must-ace-it-or-i-will-so-so-so-murder-me?
Gah. This is stupid. I'm like, all talk and no action. So, why can't i study?!
Oh bloody hell. Anyway, I just remembered the reason i'm here to blog.
UTTISLIKE,INTHEMONDAYSTRAITSTIMESINTERVIEW! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (ps: he is still looking fresh in the LIFE! section.)
Yes, UTT UTT UTT! He is sosoosososososososoososososo dreeeaaamy. *sigghssss*
I know i sound like a completely crazed utt-freak. But, he's hot what!(but wahlau the pic of him in the newspaper is soooo not desirable. if not i would have cut it out or sth)
And, his interview was pretty shocking actually. Who knew he was that sexually playful and horny and blah.
But he's my eyecandy and he's gonna stay that way! HA!
Ookay. I did like shit for English Paper2 today(I think,whateverrrrr). And i'm off to read my chinese notes! And be emo again.
8:27 PM;
My heart is an idiot. (start making it up!)And, I'm sorry. (says J, to J) I'm supposed to be on hiatus la! (dumbass) I am probably the dumbest shit on Earth.
I started listening to Jay songs again. Great, what's next?
I want
cheese sushi & peppermint green tea. I can hear my tummy growl.
I am offically deemed as,
emo. As everyone is asking me what the hell is wrong with me these days.
I think
笨ny rocks. Thanks for being there for me.
I want to strangle my student, for fun.
(although using books to hit the head really hurts. Sorry.)When i'm emo, please leave me alone unless i talk to you.You know, I think my life's fine just the way it is.
Except the jaysongs part, there's definitely something wrong.
I don't want to like you, damn it. zzz. Go away. & (especially) you too.
8:44 PM;
You dumbass. Sighs. How can anyone feel so depressed, over everything? So much happened today and you know what?
It sucked.The rain worsed the condition of my mood. The headache came back again. It's like i can't take the noise in the library. I couldn't do my graph question. Crumpled it.
Surds was retarded. I still couldn't get the answer. I forgot everyhitng about inverse matrices. You know what.
I want to strangle someone real bad.
On hiatus already man. Toodles til after exams.
& you weren't there during my weakest moment. you suck.& why do i even care who the chicken it is??!??! you suck too.

10:16 PM;
"Immature is a word used by people who don't know how to have fun."
Throbbing headache. Exam stress? Think not.
I am the laziest person i have ever seen in my entire life. Tsk, talk about devoting time to studying chemistry today. All i did was sleep and do my Emaths homework.
And, well, blog.
Blog blog blog. Blogging sucks like hell now. ZzzZZZzz.
Anyway, I can't study for one whole goddamn day! I just sit on my bed, and daydream. My proudest moment was the Chap2Amath test. Woohoo!
Yes i spend hours. Oh hell. And today, i wasted another 3/4/2/1?? hours. I'll study chem later, but i'll die of exhaustation. Today was hell of a day. I am so goddamn bloody tired.
Sleeping doesn't help. My headache got worse actually. Sometimes, i wish i could sleep, and just carry on sleeping for my whole entire life. (comfy bed)
How can ZZ be so hardworking. I'm puzzled. Well, more like i ask myself, why am i so lazy!? My afternoon was totally wasted.
Just doing senseless things like jumping and twirling around the room, banging my head on the bed/floor many times, staring at my clothes, jumping on my bed, singing to myself...
-Ahhh ha Keep your hands off my girl keep your hands off my girl ahhh ha ahhh ha but the record keeps playing this same old song-I feel dumb with this song playing with my head. Yes, i am so gonna buy Good Charlotte's new album tmr. *squeals* Gotta go dig my piggy bank.
I totally downloaded the Fall Out Boy one! Got help from some kind souls. haha!
Today is a goddamn bloody tiring day. How many times have i repeated that? Maths test. I screwed. I think, wasted minutes by going to the toilet. -.- 4 marks gone. didn't finish.
2.4 run was heeeeeelll. Missed by seconds to my A. Sheesh. Heck.
Recess was, dumb. We could have vomitted.
I'm so tired. I could faint.
I'm so sleepy. I could bang my head on the computer.
I'm so restless. I could sleep right here.
I'm so moodless. I could loooooooooooool. <-?
I'm so sick. I could vomit.
I miss you. I could cry.
8:48 PM;
I hate you.How could you... I thought we were done, and i'm glad we are. Well, you're frigging
irritating you know that.
8:34 PM;
从今天起,我会把华文搞好,不再让自己感到难过或失望。我要在拿到成绩单的那一天为自己感到骄傲,然后想起去年的努力和永不言败的精神,对自己想,“Yeah you worked bloody hell hard for this, and you've got it! I'm so proud of you Jamie!” (哈哈!)这是我这一辈子其中一个非常非常非常重要的考试,我一定至少要拿到个
A!(And yes, it's chinese the sense of achievement is so much greater.)
Okay i suck.(so does my assignment, nothing can suck more than that) I took like half an hour to type that para. And wahlau, with English somemore.
There's no greater sense of achievement than getting an A for chinese. It's my lifelong dream, (because i suck at it) and yes! I WILL WORK HARD FOR IT. I hope. And it has to start from normal everyday comversations! So, start talking to me in chinese you people!
Oh cultural talk. -.-
My student cancelled on me this afternoon. Argh second time!
I hate you man and i was kind psyched on torturing you. Yes, i'm
tutoring maths! Even though my maths is pretty sucky too but haha! I don't know. Will take it as revision too. :D
Is speaking super long for conversation(oral) a good thing or what? The rest said i talked uber long. 0.0 HAHA! I went sorta off topic. From normal family outings to weddings and to very cool wedding photos.
And i was laughing and make dumb jokes about it. But, i totally sucked at picture discussion. And hell i was soooooooooooooooooooooo nervous. I stumbled and i can't believe i read Wednesday as Saturday. -.-
Jamie you dumbass.
ohwell. It's over. I hate this week and next(there's chinese oral) and next(there's chinese exam) and i fear for my compo.
omg. I suck i suck i suck.
8:46 PM;
Homecoming was off to a pretty good start.
You know the rest.Shame on you, you bitch. Now you made my plan failed like crap.(
again) I guess i've fallen for you pretty hard. Screw youuuuuuuuu.
8:53 PM;
"You can't choose what you love, it chooses you."----
Sometimes i wonder why am I in HCL. My chinese
SUCKS, and i emphaise on SUCKS, like frigging crap.
I had the crappiest incident with the word 胶布 today. It's well, Plaster/Band Aid/Handyplast ...etc.
So i was buying my monthly dose of Cleo today
(gee! the bloody sample strained almost half the pages of the mag) , and so i was waiting to pay.
Then this elderly came up to the cashier and asked her where to get 胶布. Being malay, the cashier didn't get what the heck she was talking about.
Actually I didn't get her either. I thought she meant, Pass up the cloth, or something. Oh god i AM a noob.
She asked if i knew what she was talking about.
I said no.
The elderly talked to me in chinese and guess what i ended up asking her?
I think it's written like that la. The 胶布 word. She ended up taking out her shoe to show me.
(thank god she was wearing slip-ons)And feeling embarrassed like crap, I was made to feel worse when the malay lady thanked me for translating.
Then, I went out looking freaked out and I asked my mum the exact same question and she actually knew it was a bloody frigging
I know it's wrong to swear
(but regardless, i do it all the time) but...
WAHLAUEH! HOW COME MY MOTHER KNOW, THEN I DON'T KNOW AH! Then i realised my mum scored a pretty good mark for her olevel chinese. -.-
Maths test was crap. Frantic at the last minute. Screwed for Question 7. Bloody careless mistake. Like hell, 8 marks gone i think.
I want to cry okay, i spent pratically half the day studying maths. And i was aiming for full marks for this one.
Hanged out with Daffy after lunch today. Holding the banner was uber dumb, watching the rest paint. Zhanyan, Daffy and I went to paste flyers after so.
A source told me about a friend's disgusting hairstyle in Sec One. And, HAHA! I totally saw the evidence from the past and laughed like frigging crap. Indeed.
*snorts*Daffy then proceeded to teach me how to play Volleyball. Haha! I know i sucked, but wearing the sch uni to play is super uncomfortable.
We finally
watched Huiping's SYF dance today! The number of people erally shocked me though. They were pretty good. :D
It's homecoming tmr! Sorta, can't wait. Think it's gonna be real fun!
8:25 PM;
There's nothing to do but to stay by him and be there for him. that, i'm pretty contented.
I'm feeling really good. And that's something i haven't felt in months. Oh these terrible months. Hm! Huiping and I seemed to have our personalities switched.
But, this change seems refreshing. She'll get over it. Someday..
I'm kind of psyched up for English Oral! I'm wondering how the conversation will go. Sounds pretty fun! HAHA! However, I'm not psyched for picture discussion. No experience in it, think i will suck.
Think i'll get pretty nervous, again.
I hear there's no chinese oral. True or not? I really hope. Worse, I heard there's chinese picture discussion. WTF! This is so untrue right!
I think i'll just flunk the whole thing. I can't speak chinese, fluently that is. I pause and hesitate at every frigging word. Gah! Whatever.
Okay, enough about oral. GEEEE.
Wednesday always seems to be a depressing-yet-enlightening day for us. No cca today, but cca tomorrow, a maths test on friday, tuition later.
I'm kinda just updating for the sake of doing so.
7:41 PM;
You don't have to make a decision. yay! glad not. :D

Just felt like blogging. I wonder how am i going to survive the Amaths chap2 test on Friday. Wednesday and Thursday's occupied with cca. Geeeeeeeeee.
And i don't understand a shit. I'm gonna mug for it laterrrr, so as for the Emaths one tmr. Geeee. Who has two maths tests in the same week!
And there's another one next week. I totally don't get what she's teaching now though. Just blindly taking down notes, mind in lala land. Geeeeeeee.
Oh bloody heelll. Midyears. How terribly horrifying. And to make matters worse, THERE'S FRIGGING ORAL!?!??!?!
Freak. I dread Chinese. Chinese essay writing all that cheena crap. I don't know why Eunice likes Chinese. She was dreading the english oral whilst me, dreading the chinese. We were making a fuss over it this morning. hAhaha
There's absolutely no chance in retaking the bloody stations thing. Gah. Don't give a damn anymore.
I feel that, I suck. In all my subjects. English, Chinese, History, SS, Geog, ... yeah. These. The rest i'm sorta fine. :/
Mug mug mug. I ant to give maths tuition! I am a pro! HAHAHAHAHAH! -.- that's bullshit. i'm feeeeliiinnngg
peculiar agaaaaiiinnnnnnn.
Shall go bang my head on my maths textbooks. heeeehheheheheheHawwwww.
9:18 PM;
Brownie stared at me while i was eating again.
He always does that. Remember the last time he did that when i was tempting him with biscuits. So i was just sitting there munching them slowly so as to tempt him, he just sat and stared up at me, as though telling me I-want-that-too!
Then he got teary eyed. Oh gah! Scared the hell outta me. So i went to his food bowl and fed him abit. He, well, ate and polished the whole bowl when i pushed the whole thing to him.
I guess he was that tempted. I feel so bad
History test was .... . Throbbing headache after and before. Got worse after i hit myself hard on the head with my maths textbook. Ouch.
And bloody hell those inconsiderate assholes. Hope they flunk their mid-years.
And bloody hell to you too.Yeah yeah i know it's gonna turn out like crap, i had enough of your disgusted comments, yeah, i have more disgusted comments to receive. Aiya, know what, don't like, shut up and design a new one next year. Just dont put me a part of it.
I'm sorry for the disappointment for the back of the class tee. So it's all one colour now because we're rushing. And sorry for the impulse on choosing that particular colour. I mean, it's considered a class effort on that but yet, it seemed to go down in the drain.
Hope it's actually alright. And gah, I'm actually scared at something i'm pretty good in. Inclined PUs. Scared no strength. HAHA! My straight As seem like a distant dream. I'm no good at jumping lar. geee
Headache's back again. Gah. Why did i have to retype this whole bloody thing. So dumb.
7:08 PM;
I wish the day that i can't be bothered on whether you exist in this world arrives sooner.---
Hell whatever i've typed is gone.
7:08 PM;
One day i'll make it up to you. (If i have the chance to.) It's been days since i last blogged. I'd say, there's nothing interesting going on in my life and even though it is, it's gonna be private. Duh.
Right now I'm thinking of how badly i'm going to perform tmr. 5 stations! Eunice and I are going to try and work hard to get straight As!
She seems discouraged. As long as we do our best. I've a bad feeling i'm gonna suck at SBJ and SR. I guess i'll try. I think it's kinda fun. HAHA!
Oh yes, Daffy if you're reading this, I think you're thinking too much lar you dumbass. HAHA! It seems perfectly fine or either that, she's a pretty damn good actress.(which i strongly doubt)
Boyohboy. I had not idea how sports day turned out but, i don't really care anyway. I posed for Zhaozhi's medal today. Gave the thingie(the medal) a skeptic look. LMAO!
It looks really pretty yeah zhaozhi? You lucky girl.
Sunday. It was pretty cool. erm, HAHA! I guess so. But, i'm being such an idiot.
I was totally dyyyyyinngg during lessons today. Oh gosh, thank god for Chem(SPA)!OHMYGAWD it was uber uber fun! (and gossiping with Yunjia during chinese tdy)
I had to wear safety googles and Eunice says i look like a housefly. I made the POP sound with the lighted splint! I DID IT MYSELF!!! It's so fun. But i was afraid of pouring acid on myself. 0.0
Today's so restless and tiring for me. Hope tmr's gonna be better! (yes, without looking around for you.)
Byebye sinful act. I'm so over it.
And to Pearlene if you're reading this, I've never blamed you and I was just pissed at something else. Don't worry about it. Sorry if i sounded as if i wanted to kill you or something.
It wasn't directed at you anyway. Ha, so forget about it okay. I mean, if the class hates it, gee, they can design another one next year without me helping out. Haha!
8:41 PM;